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Frédéric Perrod
Toutes leurs offres incluent un support par mail et ticket d'incident... c'est fort...!Si ils ne tiennent pas leurs engagements commerciaux, résilies ton abonnement et installes ton propre serveur (ou fais appel à un prestataire qui assure…
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Frédéric Perrod
February 2019
Vu que vous utilisez Airtime PRO, pourquoi ne pas profiter du support qui est inclus dans toutes les offres "pro"?https://www.airtime.pro/pricing/ ;)Fred
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Frédéric Perrod
February 2019
Slt, - intégrer l'habillage d'antenne (Jingle & autres...) Le fonctionnement logique d'Airtime consiste à positionner tes "shows" dans ta grille de programmes et de remplir tes "shows" avec une playlist. Tes h…
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Frédéric Perrod
February 2019
schedule running but music not playing & the ON AIR sign is off
May be Icecast is down... command line: service icecast start or service icecast restart Have you tried to reboot your server? Regards, Fred
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Frédéric Perrod
January 2018
[Résolu] Auto-hébergement : Impossible de se connecter à Airtime depuis un poste distant
De rien... ;) Quand vous passerez aux choses sérieuses, pensez à moi pour vous proposer une plate-forme "sur mesure" en fonction de vos besoins. Fred
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Frédéric Perrod
April 2016
[Résolu] Auto-hébergement : Impossible de se connecter à Airtime depuis un poste distant
Hello, En lisant ton message, je vois que tu n'as pas une IP fixe, d'où NoIP. J'en déduis que ton serveur est derrière un accès internet grand public (ADSL, câble,...). As-tu configuré l'ouverture des ports dans le modem-routeu…
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Frédéric Perrod
April 2016
[problem] airtime-check-system phpwarning
@ Younès: C'est plutôt Online qui propose des systèmes Avoton, non :-? @ Radiologue: Ton problème semble lié au certificat SSL nécessaire pour pouvoir se connecter en https:// Je ne connais pas ce que propose Online dans ce domaine, donc je ne…
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Frédéric Perrod
January 2016
Communauté Francophonne (vos radios)
Salut Yannick, Je souhaite tempérer la fin de ton message. La version gratuite open-source d'Airtime n'est effectivement plus l'objet d'évolutions, mais la version PRO est régulièrement mise à jour avec de nouvelles fonctionnal…
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Frédéric Perrod
November 2015
File length time cut in half when uploaded
Hi Christine, Search the forum for "silan" package bug. I think that's your problem. Fred
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Frédéric Perrod
October 2015
Coupures de son sur Airtime
Je voudrais être sûr de bien avoir compris ce qui se passe... - tout fonctionne bien puis à un moment donné, le stream ne produit plus de son (ton player "client" se connecte bien sur la source, il affiche bien les métadonnées, titre, art…
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Frédéric Perrod
September 2015
Installing Airtime in my current LAMP server
Hi Gustavo, You should not do that. Airtime installation script is going to modify Apache config and eventually desable your web site. If you don't really understand what is done, don't go further. Fred
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Frédéric Perrod
September 2015
Coupures de son sur Airtime
Hello, Peux-tu vérifier si dans tes playlists il n'y aurait pas des fichiers du genre qu'Airtime digère mal (mono, .wav,...)? Fred
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Frédéric Perrod
September 2015
Transfert Airtime
Salut, A ma connaissance, il n'y a pas de doc spécifique pour un transfert. Sur le principe, tu as 4 choses à prendre en compte: - installer une nouvelle plate-forme Airtime vierge sur le nouveau système, si tu installes exactement la même v…
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Frédéric Perrod
July 2015
Airtime install
Hi Marcelo, Howtos can be find here: https://www.sourcefabric.org/en/airtime/download/ You'd better use Ubuntu 12.04 because there is a bug in Silan package of 14.04 that cut songs before the end of track. If the explanations given on the sit…
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Frédéric Perrod
July 2015
Multiple airtime instances same server (multi-tenancy mode)
Affirmative. Icecast is by essence designed to support an unlimited number of streams. Limits depend on how many listeners are connected, codecs loads, and bandwidth you can afford for your server. CPU and RAM are not really a concern except if yo…
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Frédéric Perrod
June 2015
Error in length detection of mp3
Sorry, I have no trick to rescan except deleting and uploading again all audio assets... Fred
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Frédéric Perrod
May 2015
Error in length detection of mp3
You are running Airtime on Ubuntu 14.04LTS, right? There is a well known bug with Silan package, and Sourcefabric has released a special upgrade to correct this. Just do a search on this forum... Fred
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Frédéric Perrod
May 2015
how to broadcast differnt flows on different streams on the same server ?
Hi, First, you don't need to install multiple instances of Icecast. ONE Icecast server can handle thousands of different streams. Listeners will connect to each stream via a different mount point (i.e. http://xxx.tld:8000/mount_point1 ...) Th…
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Frédéric Perrod
April 2015
Getting information from the server...
Hi, Have you tried localhost or instead of the external IP? Fred
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Frédéric Perrod
April 2015
Multiple airtime instances on one server or ability to have more than 3 feeds..
You can have multiple instances of Airtime running on the same hardware server thru some kind of virtualization system. That's the way we are working, all of them pointing to the same separate icecast server. But each Airtime instance is runnin…
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Frédéric Perrod
February 2015
Multiple airtime instances on one server or ability to have more than 3 feeds..
I would like to have an airtime server have a feed go out to multiple (separate) icecast servers. Perhaps as many as 15. My servers will be in the cloud. Airtime seems to only support 3 output feeds. Is there any way to have more output feeds…
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Frédéric Perrod
February 2015
airtime-liquids excessive CPU
You're welcome ;) If your project needs more power, keep only icecast on your server and install an airtime instance on a more powerfull machine. This works really well and it's easy to settle. Tell me if you want to try this conf, I can…
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Frédéric Perrod
January 2015
airtime-liquids excessive CPU
Hi, By the way, your CPU is not a race car... (Online dedicated server??) http://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu=VIA+Nano+U2250+(1.6GHz+Capable) Liquid soap, which is the engine for sound processing behind Airtime, always proceeds the same way: -…
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Frédéric Perrod
January 2015
airtime vps
Hi, How much disk space would you expect? Do you need some customized stuff in addition? Fred
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Frédéric Perrod
January 2015
Package corrupted ?
Hi, As said in the error msg, check permissions of the .deb file and change it to 777 if needed. Regards, Fred
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Frédéric Perrod
August 2014
Multiple airtime instances same server (multi-tenancy mode)
Don't know about what you intend to do... I can just deal about what I have tested and know it works well for a long time... Having a couple of virtual hosts will make your setup more reliable, especially a distinctive icecast instance. It…
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Frédéric Perrod
July 2014
How to make more than three radio streams such as 10 ?
That's indeed a way to approach the problem, but I would prefer to do have all the stream in the airtime interface. That would be easier to administer, especially if you need to change something after some time, you don't have find all t…
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Frédéric Perrod
July 2014
How to make more than three radio streams such as 10 ?
Hi, May be this is irrelevant, but why don't you try to modify liquidsoap script to add more streams using your main source? Fred
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Frédéric Perrod
July 2014
Multiple airtime instances same server (multi-tenancy mode)
Hi, You can install each airtime server in a virtual host on the same server + 1 shared install of icecast for all airtimes for instance. Have a look to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenVZ, it works fine with Airtime. Fred
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Frédéric Perrod
July 2014
CDN/icecast relays
Hi Tom, That's amazing... Streamzilla is a commercial brand of Jetstream aka VDO-X: http://www.jet-stream.com/aboutjetstream/ which is supposed to be a company operating a hudge worldwide network, peering on all IX. My …
Comment by
Frédéric Perrod
July 2014
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Frédéric Perrod
August 2011
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