how to broadcast differnt flows on different streams on the same server ?
  • Hi,

    I've installed Airtime and Icecast2 on the
    same Debian server. Can you help me configure broadcast differnt flows
    on different streams (3 streams) on the same server ?
    How can I configure multiple instances of Icecast2 on the same server with Airtime installed ??

  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • Hi,

    First, you don't need to install multiple instances of Icecast. ONE Icecast server can handle thousands of different streams. Listeners will connect to each stream via a different mount point (i.e. http://xxx.tld:8000/mount_point1 ...)

    Then, Airtime can handle 3 different flavor of the same stream depending on the codecs and biterates you define. If you need more streams, i.e. more radio stations or more codecs, you'll have to tweak liquidsoap script. Or use another streaming platform, Airtime don't support this.


    Etheractis - Digital Online Media
  • Another way would be to run multiple virtual boxes on the server, each containing different airtime installations. In other words, make your own VPS hosting setup..
    No longer using Airtime or Libretime.