Error in length detection of mp3
  • Hello,

    I have a strange behavior of Airtime.
    I've put some mp3 in my library, but the detection of the time is incorrect. 
    And when it's scheduled in a show, it used the false detected length to go to the next track and my show is interrupted at the wrong time. 

    Here is what I see in the library (false info about the time) : 

    Here is what I see using exiftool (correct length detected) : 


    And when I make a preview to hear it in Airtime Interface, I also have to correct time displayed :

    I'm so unable to schedule a show as the mp3 are not played entirely. 

    Any idea ? 

    Best regards
  • 3 Comments sorted by
  • You are running Airtime on Ubuntu 14.04LTS, right?
    There is a well known bug with Silan package, and Sourcefabric has released a special upgrade to correct this.
    Just do a search on this forum...

    Etheractis - Digital Online Media
  • Thanks Fred,, but after changing the silan version, how to force a rescan ? 

    I made the search, using the keyword silan and found other users with the issue, but no info to rescan correctly.

  • Sorry, I have no trick to rescan except deleting and uploading again all audio assets...

    Etheractis - Digital Online Media