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Paul Baranowski
Track number column in Playlist Builder
Sorry about that, it is gone from 2.0, but we will have configurable columns in 2.1, so you will be able to choose which metadata you want to show.
Comment by
Paul Baranowski
February 2012
Stream - Remove Bad Stream
I don't understand what you mean by "remove" the stream, and also don't understand what is bad about it. Can you be more specific about what you would like to happen?
Comment by
Paul Baranowski
February 2012
Watched folders query
The watched folders are always recursively searched. If the recursion does not happen, it means that media monitor crashed on a file. Can you check your log file? You can use the command: "sudo airtime-log -d media-monitor" to get the l…
Comment by
Paul Baranowski
February 2012
[Airtime 1.9.x] Move /tmp/airtime/* to /home
Not without changing the code, but you can also adjust the caching time in /etc/airtime/pypo.cfg: prepare_ahead = 24 #in hours You can reduce that value to the maximum show length. cache_for = 24 #how long to hold the cache, in hours This you c…
Comment by
Paul Baranowski
February 2012
Watched folders explanation...
Yes, the content of watched folder files are not altered. However, there is a bug in 2.0.0: http://dev.sourcefabric.org/browse/CC-3299 The file ownership is changed to "www-data" for all the files that are watched. This will be fixed in…
Comment by
Paul Baranowski
February 2012
Recursive scanning of the watched folders???
Recursive scanning is the only option. If the directory is not being scanned recursively, something is wrong. Check your media monitor log file for errors (issue command: "airtime-log -v media-monitor") and if you see any please post the …
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Paul Baranowski
February 2012
Why does Airplay need to change permissions on monitored directories??
But as long as the files are world-readable, it should not have to change the permissions on them. This does seem like it could be a bug...
Comment by
Paul Baranowski
February 2012
Help for recording and rebroadcast
""" Let's do an example:I schedule a show (content included) at 9am and I need to rebroadcast it at 9pm.What's the step by step procedure? Have I to create a "recording only" event overlapping and then reschedule…
Comment by
Paul Baranowski
February 2012
Stream - Remove Bad Stream
You should just be able to disable the stream using the checkbox that says "Enabled".
Comment by
Paul Baranowski
February 2012
Upgrade to 2.0.0-4 from 1.95 ppa method
Looks like apache is not configured correctly.
Comment by
Paul Baranowski
January 2012
Watched Directory/Organized Directory malfunction with Mac OS X SMB client
Hi Kenny - Before I get to your question, I first want to warn you that you have to be very cautious with using a networked drive with Airtime 2.0. If you boot up Airtime when the networked drive is missing(offline or not connected to the network),…
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Paul Baranowski
January 2012
Add multiple tracks to playlist
Comment by
Paul Baranowski
January 2012
For version 2.1 backup in admin panel
Please post in the Airtime forum :)
Comment by
Paul Baranowski
January 2012
The moment you've all been waiting for... Airtime 2.0 is here.
Thanks Rick for the bug report! Any bugs that turn up we will fix in a 2.0.1 bug fix release. You can file bugs here: http://dev.sourcefabric.org
Comment by
Paul Baranowski
January 2012
The moment you've all been waiting for... Airtime 2.0 is here.
Rick: Did you set your time zone in the preferences?
Comment by
Paul Baranowski
January 2012
The moment you've all been waiting for... Airtime 2.0 is here.
Rick: technically they are the same thing, it's just a matter of how fast do you want it. :)
Comment by
Paul Baranowski
January 2012
Airtime 2.1 Roadmap
"I don't get what mean "Live" ? For me that is when somebody in studio streaming direct live do airtime/icecast and this goes to client. But there is not such feature. I do this in that way http://forum.sourcefabric.org/discuss…
Comment by
Paul Baranowski
January 2012
Customizing LiquidSoap scripts
We are planning on implementing this feature in 2.1, so if you just want to wait a couple months it will be there. If you figure out how to do it, please post your code. I'm pretty sure a couple other people have managed to hack the code to do…
Comment by
Paul Baranowski
January 2012
Airtime 2.0.0 ALSA Stutter, continuous underrun
Was pypo able to connect to Icecast successfully?
Comment by
Paul Baranowski
January 2012
Weekly schedule not showing on website
Have you turned on widget access to Airtime in your preferences?
Comment by
Paul Baranowski
January 2012
Airtime 2.0.0 RC2
Yep, DEBs will be available the same day.
Comment by
Paul Baranowski
January 2012
bad news : new posgresql upgrade made airtime crash
I dont understand what you did to cause this error. Could you please give us a list of steps to be able to reproduce this?
Comment by
Paul Baranowski
January 2012
bad news : new posgresql upgrade made airtime crash
When does this happen, during install? We've changed the 2.0 install script to not build the SQL files during install. Instead, the install comes with the SQL files pre-built. So this may not be a problem with 2.0.
Comment by
Paul Baranowski
January 2012
Airtime 2.0.0 RC2
Next Tuesday
Comment by
Paul Baranowski
January 2012
uninstall airtime 1.9.5
Yes, you can remove everything in /opt/pypo If you really want to make sure everything is uninstalled, you can download the airtime-2.0.0-RC1 package from sourceforge(http://sourceforge.net/projects/airtime/files/) and run /dev_tools/airtime-nuke.s…
Comment by
Paul Baranowski
January 2012
Typed, manual playlist entry in Airtime for shows where hosts play CDs, records, etc.??
You are the first one to request that. I don't think we would implement this anytime soon, your best bet is to figure out a way to implement it yourself. A less manually-intensive way to do it is to get a program that can identify songs auto…
Comment by
Paul Baranowski
January 2012
Statistics page for airtime. custom built.
Hi Romeo - That looks fantastic. We would love to integrate it into 2.1 (2.0 is going to be released shortly). Please see this wiki page on submitting patches to us and let me know if you have any questions about it: https://wiki.sourcefabric.org…
Comment by
Paul Baranowski
January 2012
Adding Songs directly to Calender
The ability to add items directly to a show is coming in 2.1...
Comment by
Paul Baranowski
December 2011
Emergency broadcast show for 2.0.0-beta2
Interesting feature...you are the first one to request it...but I think it would be solved by being able to update a show that was already playing. We will be implementing that feature soon-ish.
Comment by
Paul Baranowski
December 2011
Add multiple tracks to playlist
This is planned for Airtime 2.1 :)
Comment by
Paul Baranowski
December 2011
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