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Bashatee Radio
Liquidsoap fails with ALSA (Airtime 2.3 and Ubuntu 12.10)
I had the same problema and I just had to install liquidsoap-plugin-alsa apt-get install liquidsoap-plugin-alsa
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Bashatee Radio
September 2017
Master source quit working [solved]
Woah Nolan Wagner, you are the man!! Your solution solved my issue BUT, instead of modifying any file I just did a link: ln -s /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/airtime_playout-1.0-py2.7.egg/liquidsoap/liquidsoap_auth.py /usr/lib/airtime/pypo/b…
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Bashatee Radio
October 2016
Fallover 101-how to make All scripts worked - Easy Steps to build your Scripts-Fixed silence
@Voises_Tech, i have two question indeed, In one hand, the fallback.liq constantly plays songs, then, if a show has no content it switchs to the fallback.liq BUT, starting in the middle of the fallback track. Another case: two shows, both with conte…
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Bashatee Radio
March 2015
Editing ID3Tags & Set Expiration Date
Please check this discussion for jingles with expiration date: https://forum.sourcefabric.org/discussion/17312/jingle-with-expiration-date
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Bashatee Radio
March 2015
I think it's this one https://dev.sourcefabric.org/browse/CC-5588
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Bashatee Radio
March 2015
Extended Week Widget. Code that returns a lot more show info. No hacks to AT code.
Thank you John, good work! I have modified your script including some new features: 1. Get the color from Airtime calendar.2. Possibility to change default texts in the script.3. Possibility to change default background and text colors in the script…
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Bashatee Radio
March 2015
music from a other server
I guess you can, but first you will need to mount the remote filesystem in the local server (don't forget to add it to fstab, so it gets mounted on boot in case the server gets rebooted) then just add that folder in the watch directories.
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Bashatee Radio
March 2015
Using jingles
Hi mates! In case you need time based jingles, We have a workaround that might be useful. read here https://forum.sourcefabric.org/discussion/17312/jingle-with-expiration-date
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Bashatee Radio
March 2015
Serious Bug: Airtime Goes Silent
I am having trouble as well with this. Maybe if you send the logs somebody can give us a hand. sudo airtime-log -d Are you using the soundcard output ? I do and this is what i found in the logs: [buffer_42012:3] Warning: #get called when not #is_r…
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Bashatee Radio
March 2015
There is a known bug with the owner column. If the problem persists try hiding that column.
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Bashatee Radio
March 2015
There is a known bug with the owner column. If the problem persists try hiding that column.
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Bashatee Radio
March 2015
"Processing..." popup never goes away in "Library" screen
Nice that you solved it. So to say that there is a known bug with the owner column, if the problem persists, try to hide that column.
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Bashatee Radio
March 2015
Serious Bug: Airtime Goes Silent
Ii had a similar problem, it was due to corrupted files, (i remember something with AAC codec), what i did is just to check the /var/log/airtime/pypo-liquidsoap/ls_script.log) for errors and i found out there were some problematic files, after i rem…
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Bashatee Radio
March 2015
Creating one continuous playlist
However, i have a question.. using the fallback hack, airtime is constantly playing the default playlist (instead of silence), is there a way to start the liquidsoap script when silence is detected? this way a jingle or station id could be added at …
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Bashatee Radio
March 2015
AutoDj Sweetest Seen Fake or Real? for a good deal Free! Free! No Unexpected AutoPlay
However, i have a question.. using the fallback hack, airtime is constantly playing the default playlist (instead of silence), is there a way to start the liquidsoap script when silence is detected? this way i could add a jingle or station id at the…
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Bashatee Radio
March 2015
AutoDj Sweetest Seen Fake or Real? for a good deal Free! Free! No Unexpected AutoPlay
Regarding the permissions, i was also having this error: [request:3] Read permission denied for "/srv/airtime/stor/imported/1/route_to_audio_fle" It was a permission problem so I solved it by: chown -R pypo:www-data /srv/airtime/store/impo…
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Bashatee Radio
March 2015
Fallover 101-how to make All scripts worked - Easy Steps to build your Scripts-Fixed silence
Hi Voisses, Thanks for your clarification. What i meant for "mixed with schedule/live content" is that when overriding the default behavior, when the DJ connected to a live show and there was a micro-disconnection, then airtime would try…
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Bashatee Radio
February 2015
Streaming statistics dashboard for Icecast
I followed the steps to configure Piwik and it works like a charm, BUT, should i create a cron to import the iceccast log or is it automatically imported daily after running the import command?
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Bashatee Radio
February 2015
Files not being imported
Look at the media-monitor logs while uploading one by one the offending files and check what is going on. /var/log/airtime/media-monitor/media-monitor.log I had a similar problem and i realized the problem was that both files had the same metadata. …
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Bashatee Radio
January 2015
Liquidsoap example script for smart playlist (kind of)
PLEASE SOURCEFABRIC READ THIS: It would be that easy to implement the fallback stream by sourcefabric !! I do not understand why it is taking so long: 1. Move all the default stuff in ls_script.liq to one file (ie: /etc/liquidsoap/fallback.liq) th…
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Bashatee Radio
November 2014
BUG: Two Shows playing at once. [Workaround]
I had the same problem, in my case it was due to a repeating show with a web stream, the duration of the web stream was longer than the show duration then the offending show was overlapping the one that should be playing at that time. The solution i…
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Bashatee Radio
November 2014
Fallover 101-how to make All scripts worked - Easy Steps to build your Scripts-Fixed silence
Thanks for your scripts. First of all i have to say that i do not like hacking the default silence for a main reason, it uses to get mixed with the current content, either if it is scheduled content or a live show, but if it works for you great!, ju…
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Bashatee Radio
April 2014
ways to reduce latency of scheduled webstreams?
I am looking for a solution on this too, i have two shows programmed one after another that feed from the same webstream, i'd like them both to play without any silence. The only solution i found was to do the ls_script hack thing, which i do n…
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Bashatee Radio
April 2014
Editing ID3Tags & Set Expiration Date
For the expiration date, it wouldn't be difficult to write a cron job that runs a script that deletes files with a date inserted within the id3 tags.
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Bashatee Radio
April 2014
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