I am trying to create a desk in superdesk. However I realize that while I'm trying to create a desk (Add a new desk feature) , the UI is asking for a desk type ( sports or news etc.). I'm not able to create a desk in Superdesk for want of 2 things
1. Not able to find a value for "desk type". Nor am I able to create one
2. Desks are assoicated with stages and people. The "stages" and the "people" tab are disabled for me.
Sorry for the late reply Yauhen, Petr. I was not aware of this update because I did not get any mail notification. I had run ./scripts/docker-local-create-user.sh and that is how I was able to login with the "admin/admin" credential. As you can see from my screen, I'm already in.
Petr- I will try out your step and see how it goes. But does it do the same activity as 'docker-local-create-user'? Nonetheless, I will try out those steps tonight and let you know, how it goes.
Hi! That script is doing the same and also creates an user (obviously :) ). The only difference what it's made to play together with an other script, docker-local-demo.sh, which can be used to start docker-based superdesk instance locally.
I tried out your steps and I do not see any difference. Where do you store the desk details? Is it in MongoDB or the Redis datastructure db? I will do a manual update to those dbs, if you could tell me that.