Silent liquidsoap
  • Hello Airtime community!

    I have recently successfully installed Airtime on Ubuntu 14.04 machine. Everything is/was fine, until I encountered strange occurrence. I don't know if it is a bug, let me describe:
    - I modified liqiudsoap script to play offline music from certain directory on disk.
    - Songs from this folder played one after another - all ok.
    - After about 7h stream was still on, but it was silent. Songs were changing normally, but from some point all of them were just minutes of silence.(!!!)
    - Another attempt gave the same result after about 7 hours.

    What if checked:
    - for sure it is not problem on listener side, I listened to silence on several devices.
    - on Airtime page in settings/status everything is ok.
    - I was recording stream with streamripper, found moment, that it goes off. It's in the middle of the song, that suddenly goes silent.
    - Every time it is the same with different songs.
    - I have looked at the logs of icecast, liquidsoap, but haven't found nothing strange: no errors.
    - I used second computer with same configuration, one streaming to another. Only first gave silence after some time, stream from the second was ok.

    It is frustrating, that I have to use this first server, with some bad liqiudsoap case. Tell me please, what can I do/check, to find the possible cause? It looks like liquidsoap problem, but I cannot be sure. I will appreciate your help.

    Best regards.
  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • In fact the only solution was to reinstall 32 to 64 system. After testing, everything is ok.