Airtime and multiple mountpoints?
  • Hi

    I'm trying to understand if Airtime is the right tool for me. I have read the manual and have gone through the forum trying to find some clues and collect enough intelligence to understand how Airtime works. My plan is to have 10 different mountpoints under either Icecast or Shoutcast, so that I can have 10 different streams running all the time from a playlist. I know that I can use Icecast to accomplish this, even under the same port, but how does Airtime relate to mounts manually created in Icecast. Once in a while I will also use the live feature and record an input stream and I thought that Airtime can help me with this. I really like the layout and the interface of Airtime and would like to utilize it to accomplish this. Is it possible to add more than three streams to Airtime's interface? Is Airtime the right tool for this setup? Should I run separate instances of Icecast?

    Thank you.
  • 6 Comments sorted by
  • Hi Flemming,

    When you say 10 different streams, do you mean 10 different streams that is playing different stuff?
    or 10 different streams that plays same stuff but with different setting(eg, connect to different mount point on ices, different bit rate setting and etc.)?

    Thank you.
  • Hi

    It's 10 different streams that play different content at the same bitrate. I have 10 folders with different content in each of them, like /C1, /C2, /C3 etc.

    I know that Ices can be used for this, but I wondered if Airtime could be extended, so that it's possible to add more streams from the interface. Also, if I add the mountpoints manually to liquidsoap, how would that affect Airtime? I'm in the process of learning the best practice of this.
    Post edited by Flemming Frederiksen at 2012-09-11 13:32:07
  • Hi,

    Airtime doesn't support multiple streaming on different content. You need to run multiple instance of airtime in order to achieve what you are trying to do.

    Thank you
  • Thank you. I will setup another server for the 10 x stream setup and use Airtime for the DJ feature. Airtime is really a neat product for the live feature.

    Thank you again for your quick answer.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Albert FRAlbert FR
    Posts: 1,978Member, Airtime Moderator
    Airtime can't do that, but liquidsoap yes, perhaps a good solution for you is to use liquidsoap only...
  • Albert FR: Thank you for pointing me to liquidsoap. I need the same thing as the OP and liquidsoap seems like a much simpler solution than Airtime. Nothing against Airtime -- it's a great piece of software and even better when you run a radio station with original programming, but for 24/7 playlists, liquidsoap seems the best solution.

    Thank you again :)