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Boštjan Jerko
new be issue... cant install booktype...
Do you have django installed?
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Boštjan Jerko
November 2013
Booktype and cPanel - need help installing
Hi Geoffrey, maybe you could try to follow Nginx installation procedure and use CGI installation procedure? I'm not sure how customizable cPanel is.
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Boštjan Jerko
October 2013
Issue with sourcefabric repo on Debian 7.2
Hey Laurent, I have tried the procedure on Debian 7 and it works for me so I would like to clarify what you did.Let me write my procedure: Added: deb http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports squeeze-backports main to sources.listDownloaded artim…
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Boštjan Jerko
October 2013
Publication design templates using CSS
Hi Rohan, if you are talking about styling the book for the export there is a possibility to style it during the export.We are in the process of creating new interface where user will be able to style the book without any CSS knowledge, but currentl…
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Boštjan Jerko
October 2013
Ubuntu 12.04.2 amd64 - script stops after PIL - [ERROR]
You have PIL installed right?
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Boštjan Jerko
August 2013
Translation tools in Booktype
Worldwide Lexicon looks like it's a useful tool, but it doesn't seem to work for me. I've tried to use it to translate a simple word, but nothing (with using machine translation, of course). I'll still keep an eye on it...
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Boštjan Jerko
September 2012
Shared Hosting Installation?
Just a thought from the top of my head (didn't really check it) - isn't it enough to have a python virtual environment?
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Boštjan Jerko
August 2012
Book does not exist!
I have published what I did during installation of Objavi at http://forum.sourcefabric.org/discussion/comment/18258#Comment_18258 It might come handy.
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Boštjan Jerko
July 2012
broken download link
I think you need to create an account at www.booki.cc, but I'm not sure. I have installed my own objavi server for that.
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Boštjan Jerko
July 2012
Book does not exist!
Did you go through all the steps in the installation manul of Booktype? Something like that happened to me when I wanted to insert copyright things in the database and the data was not inserted.
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Boštjan Jerko
July 2012
EBook Publishing Issue
Looks like you didn't put in the correct URLs.
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Boštjan Jerko
July 2012
EBook Publishing Issue
Cool. So all problems solved.
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Boštjan Jerko
July 2012
EBook Publishing Issue
@Ruud Looks ok. Damn. I was sure there is some error.I'm leaving now so I'll be able to check it later in the evening or tomorrow.Maybe Aleksandar has an answer and will be able to do it in the meantime :)
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Boštjan Jerko
July 2012
EBook Publishing Issue
When something like that happened to me, the log showed that I missed one url change in setting objavi.And the other error was using non patched wkhtmltopdf (or better yet, non patched qt for wkhtmltopdf).
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Boštjan Jerko
July 2012
EBook Publishing Issue
Not sure, but the directory name should be log not logs.
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Boštjan Jerko
July 2012
EBook Publishing Issue
@Ruud: Can you post your apache conf for objavi. I think there is a problem with DocumentRoot. @Vibol: Can you post excerpt from the log of book.log (it's in log directory).
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Boštjan Jerko
July 2012
EBook Publishing Issue
I thought I sent the answer, but I can't find it so .. here we go again.I've checked your objavi.log and this one doesn't look correct: /bin/wkhtmltopdf -q --page-width 210.0 --page-height 297.0 -T 16.1611111111 -R 19.9619444444 -B 18…
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Boštjan Jerko
July 2012
EBook Publishing Issue
Looks to me like url here: File "/home/rdv/objavi2/htdocs/objavi.cgi", line 156, in mode_form 'book_options': optionise(twiki_wrapper.get_book_list(server), default=book), File "/home/rdv/objavi2/objavi/twiki_wrapp…
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Boštjan Jerko
July 2012
EBook Publishing Issue
I've edited: DEFAULT_SERVER = 'server URL'DEFAULT_BOOKI_SERVER = 'the same URL' I have also edited some SERVER_DEFAULTS where URL points to objavi.cc and I've added my server URL. Hope that helps.
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Boštjan Jerko
July 2012
EBook Publishing Issue
I'm publishing my notes when I successfully installed Objavi on my server. Not sure if it will help, but so you'll at least see the roadmap. I've installed Objavi on separate server than Booktype (both on my servers): You have to hav…
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Boštjan Jerko
July 2012
Importing documents
WOOOOOHOOOOO. Installed patched version of qt and wkhtmltopdf dependent of it .. works like magic.Must admit it's a drag to install it though.Wrote a short "what I am doing" on the way, but I'm not sure if I covered all the bases.
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Boštjan Jerko
June 2012
Importing documents
Found the problem: wkhtmltopdf...unknown long argument --javascript-delay and when I remove that I get error due to unpatched qt lib... damn.. Seems I'll have to put in some manual work (and not get-apt).
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Boštjan Jerko
June 2012
Importing documents
OK. Found the problem. I messed with URL and didn't use my version ... one of the links was still the old one. Got covered here, but here is another error: File "/home/bostjan/Objavi/htdocs/objavi.cgi", line 477, in main() F…
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Boštjan Jerko
June 2012
Importing documents
Damn. I hoped you'll have a magical solution and tell me what url should be ...*sigh* I knew it. I'll check log in Objavi and see what I can work out from it.
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Boštjan Jerko
June 2012
Importing documents
I get the url of the "exported" pdf book, but there is no book created. I get: urllib2.URLError: in book_utils.py after f = urlopen(url)
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Boštjan Jerko
June 2012
Importing documents
Oj Aleksandar. Can I have objavi on different server than Booktype? I am trying such arrangement and have some strange results.
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Boštjan Jerko
June 2012
Translation tools in Booktype
I can tell you that for Slovene Google translate is still rubbish. I never use it to translate the whole text, but to check translation of separate words. My dad doesn't understand English so he wanted to use GT, but resorted to asking me to tr…
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Boštjan Jerko
June 2012
offline Booktype environment?
That's an interesting thought, but I guess it's quite a deviation from the ideas behind Booktype, but since I'm not part of the team I'm not sure if there is not something like that in planning.
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Boštjan Jerko
June 2012
Translation tools in Booktype
I see Google Translate as a part of the tool. You can use it as a helping tool, but not for a translation. For example I am currently translating a book from English to Slovene and need to translate: Achilles tendonitis or Shin splints and it would …
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Boštjan Jerko
June 2012
Booktype - Commandline - creating a chapter
Ah yes.. collaborative interface would be a problem.
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Boštjan Jerko
June 2012
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