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Krypton Radio
Smart Blocks - Playing the latest episode of a programme?
I have not been seeing updating of the show lengths, John. The files are being swapped out correctly, and the programs are being updated with the new metadata for each new file, but the lengths of the files to play are not being updated correctly. …
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Krypton Radio
May 2014
Smart Blocks - Playing the latest episode of a programme?
I tried this on your suggestion, John, and this actually worked. For those reading this thread for the first time, here is what you do: Create a watched directory where you can drop the latest copy of whatever regular show it is.Create a scheduled…
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Krypton Radio
April 2014
Feedback Wanted: Airtime Content Network Idea
@John Chewter, how do you get Airtime to automatically update the scheduled shows with the contents of the watched folders you update via your RSS reader/downloader script? If I knew how this was done it would solve a great many problems for me. S…
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Krypton Radio
March 2014
jingles problematic...
New glitch, Voisses - my timeclock code works fine, but the scheduled serials code apparently doesn't. I had omitted a reload parameter from the definition line for 'superman' and 'xminusone'. Could lack of a 'reload…
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Krypton Radio
March 2014
jingles problematic...
Thanks for all your help, Voisses, I managed to get everything working more or less the way I want it - though crossfades would be nice, I think I can patch that in later. For right now, I have my hourly time announcement (which I did not want play…
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Krypton Radio
March 2014
Airtime interface VERRRRRRY slow
Oh boy. I restarted the Apache server on this same box, and everything is fine now. So the problem isn't with Airtime at all. It's with Apache.
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Krypton Radio
February 2014
Krypton Radio Moves to AirTime
We are now listed in Windows Media Guide, and they have made us a Top Pick. We're rubbing elbows with the BBC, who is one of the other picks!
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Krypton Radio
February 2014
jingles problematic...
Hi, Voss, thank you for your offer of help. One thing I'm having trouble with is that the hourly time isn't being read. The code appears fine, and at one point I had it working, but it no longer does. I would also like to play the conte…
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Krypton Radio
February 2014
Airtime on my 512mb Raspberry Pi
Making something like AirTime run on a RaspPi just makes my inner geek giggle.
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Krypton Radio
February 2014
jingles problematic...
I ended up going into the Liquidsoap script, and had to have Voss's help to sort it out and get it working. It's still not perfect, but it's a major pain not having scriptable fallback playlists and it's better than having to sc…
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Krypton Radio
February 2014
Airtime on my 512mb Raspberry Pi
I would love to see how this is done also. Not so much because I think this is the best way to implement Airtime, but because I'd love to be able to do this as an option on my own Raspberry Pi, just for the value of doing it as an experimenter…
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Krypton Radio
February 2014
Trying to go for an 'autoDJ' ls_script.liq but having trouble
Oops. It turns out I hadn't. I'd left all the lists in. And they just work. THANK YOU! You just gave me ten hours a week of my life back!
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Krypton Radio
December 2013
Trying to go for an 'autoDJ' ls_script.liq but having trouble
Oops. It turns out I hadn't. I'd left all the lists in. And they just work. THANK YOU! You just gave me ten hours a week of my life back!
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Krypton Radio
December 2013
Trying to go for an 'autoDJ' ls_script.liq but having trouble
And that was the final problem. My autoDJ now works - though I have only two lists in the definition of 'mixed' right now, because I wanted to strip it down to match your example and get that working first to remove as many variables as p…
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Krypton Radio
December 2013
Trying to go for an 'autoDJ' ls_script.liq but having trouble
Removing the mkssafe() instruction made the security asset play in a loop. Apparently the 'mixed' composite asset is still being incorrectly assembled, or it is not being assembled at all. And I think I know why. Looking at the logs, I …
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Krypton Radio
December 2013
Smart Blocks - Playing the latest episode of a programme?
Okay - it won't be in 2.6 either. Are there actually plans to include this feature at some point in the near future, because I need to know whether it will be worth paying for developer time to pay a third party to hack this in.
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Krypton Radio
December 2013
Trying to go for an 'autoDJ' ls_script.liq but having trouble
In particular, I think I may have a problem with the weights statement. I may have told it something that the language accepts but makes no sense logically: jingles=delay(1.,jingles) ads=delay(1.,ads) stationids=delay(1.,stationids) mixed = rota…
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Krypton Radio
December 2013
Trying to go for an 'autoDJ' ls_script.liq but having trouble
It failed. It produces silence. I tried using the delay statements for ads, & stationids in addition to jingles - when nothing is scheduled, what goes out is simply silence. Obviously something else is wrong, or I have not restarted the playl…
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Krypton Radio
December 2013
Trying to go for an 'autoDJ' ls_script.liq but having trouble
Also thank you for the script fix - I'm going to go try it!
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Krypton Radio
December 2013
Trying to go for an 'autoDJ' ls_script.liq but having trouble
Really looking forward to the AutoDJ solution - the lack of this in AirTime is one of two or three significant major missing features.
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Krypton Radio
December 2013
Does Airtime support automatically playing podcasts?
So this works regardless of the fact the file itself changes and the length might be different from one show to the next?
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Krypton Radio
December 2013
Smart Blocks - Playing the latest episode of a programme?
Well - it wasn't in version 2.5. Will it be in version 2.6, and when will that be released? Still in desperate need of this feature.
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Krypton Radio
December 2013
Airtime 2.5.0 Released!
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Krypton Radio
November 2013
Multiple playlists playing simultaneously! WTF?
Nuts. Happened again. Here's the situation: a show is set up and populated using playlists. The previous show stops and this show begins. Except that the show doesn't play. The contents in the display panel are "pasteled" ou…
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Krypton Radio
November 2013
How about AD blocks, jingles and playlist import
Version 2.5 has arrived, and alas, this feature isn't in it.
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Krypton Radio
November 2013
Listener Stats needs attention next
No, you can't. The raw data is there in icecast/shoutcast, but you need something that can count unique connections per hour, total listener hours, et cetera, not just make a graph of current total listeners. We already have that, and it'…
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Krypton Radio
November 2013
Airtime 2.5.0 Released!
Also, yes, periodic insertion of jingles according to time is a hard business requirement for all commercial radio stations, as is the ability to schedule episodic content programmatically instead of manually creating the shows every day, as is the …
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Krypton Radio
November 2013
Airtime 2.5.0 Released!
Figured it out. You have to be working from the Calendar blocks. You can't do it with the Now Playing interface.
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Krypton Radio
November 2013
Airtime 2.5.0 Released!
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Krypton Radio
October 2013
Multiple playlists playing simultaneously! WTF?
That situation is now resolved - but I have a new one: We schedule our time wall to wall (have to, because of the lack of an auto-dj function in AirTime) and end up with seven or eight blocks a day. Nearly every day, two or more of these blocks hi…
Comment by
Krypton Radio
October 2013
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