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Lisa Forbes
I'm with Nolan that's EXACTLY what I need!
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Lisa Forbes
May 2013
Alternatives to using Mixxx to stream live shows
I use BUTT with much success
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Lisa Forbes
May 2013
Setting Up A Phone In Radio Station
Sorry Im on my phone and didn't see your link to know you were referring to a headset and not just headphones so please disregard that part.
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Lisa Forbes
May 2013
Setting Up A Phone In Radio Station
I dont really see a need for broadcast quality headphones. Unless you are a musician and producing music its just not needed for what we do. Now as far as multiple hosts because of finances my hosts call in via skype by phone or skype to skype. Audi…
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Lisa Forbes
May 2013
Setting Up A Phone In Radio Station
Hi Ed, Sorry I just noticed your question. Hoerich is right if you're using a mixer and you have 2 soundcards then you only need 1 PC to run Skype. And yes those are the things you would need for hardware minus 1 PC and plus 1 soundcard. I a…
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Lisa Forbes
May 2013
Emergency Situation- Airtime No Sound!
Hi Bill, I guess I was expecting that the logs would be automatically displayed which they are not. So how do I acces the home directory and get the logs?
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Lisa Forbes
May 2013
Emergency Situation- Airtime No Sound!
I am using Putty and I am entering what you provided on the command line. Is that what I'm supposed to do? Since I'm really not sure how I'm supposed to do this I tried different ways but none of them have given me access to the logs…
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Lisa Forbes
May 2013
Emergency Situation- Airtime No Sound!
I guess I'll just do a reinstall.
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Lisa Forbes
May 2013
Emergency Situation- Airtime No Sound!
Hi Micz, thanks for the offer. I currently have Airtime installed on a VPS with unlimited bandwith so not thanks. If you could kindly assist me with my current issue that would be greatly appreciated. I have a workaround but I can't monitor my …
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Lisa Forbes
May 2013
Emergency Situation- Airtime No Sound!
I still can't get these logs still getting permission denied.
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Lisa Forbes
May 2013
Emergency Situation- Airtime No Sound!
Or how about this? sudo tail -f /var/log/airtime/pypo-liquidsoap/ls_script.log 2013/05/09 22:44:36 [amplify_5383:3] End of the current overriding. 2013/05/09 22:44:36 [queue:3] Prepared "/var/tmp/airtime/pypo/cache/scheduler/1.wav" (RID 1…
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Lisa Forbes
May 2013
Emergency Situation- Airtime No Sound!
That didn't do anything. How about this? Does this give you what you need? less +G /var/log/airtime/pypo/pypo.log '', u'genre': u'Talk, Entertainment', u'output': u'icecast', u'type':…
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Lisa Forbes
May 2013
Emergency Situation- Airtime No Sound!
For both it says Permission denied. How do I get them? I'm logged on as root.
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Lisa Forbes
May 2013
Emergency Situation- Airtime No Sound!
Just went to check my site only to find it stopped streaming again. UTC was Fri May 10 4:22:11 actual time is Thur May 9 21:21:13 Tried to get the log but it said no such file or directory. Of course I probably went about trying to get it all wron…
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Lisa Forbes
May 2013
Emergency Situation- Airtime No Sound!
Hi Martin or anyone... So it happened again this morning but I had to go to work. It was around 8 or 830 am PST when I realized there was no sound. Is there a way for me to find the log for that particular time period? My daughter once again was abl…
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Lisa Forbes
May 2013
Setting Up A Phone In Radio Station
I use Butt and Skype. I'm not that familiar with Mixx but all you really need from it is an encoder to stream to Airtime. That part is easy what's not so easy is setting up Skype with the mix minus to send both sides of the conversation bu…
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Lisa Forbes
May 2013
Emergency Situation- Airtime No Sound!
Ok Martin, will do. Thanks.
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Lisa Forbes
May 2013
I concur with Hoerich, it's pretty easy to install. I have NO tech skills and have Airtime up and running on a VPS with the ability to connect and do live shows. I suggest for recording you use software to stream that has a built in recording f…
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Lisa Forbes
May 2013
Forum does not work from T-Mobile
I found out I can't view the forums either from my Sprint Android phone (Samsung). I don't get an error but I can't get to the forum.
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Lisa Forbes
May 2013
Help a low-budget newbie out!
x10 hosting you can get a VPS with unlimited bandwith for about $26 quarterly.
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Lisa Forbes
May 2013
Schedule Recurring Show Adding Playlist Once
Woohoooo! As long as I know it's coming I can wait!
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Lisa Forbes
April 2013
[RESOLVED THANKS MARTIN!] Problems Trying to Set Up Live Stream
SOLUTION: Per Martin There's a problem with Debian Squeeze and RabbitMq after a server restart. You have to manually start it with the "sudo service rabbitmq-server restart" command. If you ever use Ubuntu or the upcoming Debian Whe…
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Lisa Forbes
April 2013
[RESOLVED THANKS MARTIN!] Problems Trying to Set Up Live Stream
Hi Martin and thanks! I sent you a PM.
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Lisa Forbes
April 2013
[RESOLVED THANKS MARTIN!] Problems Trying to Set Up Live Stream
Tried stopping icecast and changing the settings but no luck : (
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Lisa Forbes
April 2013
[RESOLVED THANKS MARTIN!] Problems Trying to Set Up Live Stream
Thanks as always. I will try that. I did try disabling the stream and then chaging the settings but that didn't work either. I'm feeling nervous because I'm scheduled to relaunch my station on 5/7 with my first live show and I can…
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Lisa Forbes
April 2013
[RESOLVED THANKS MARTIN!] Problems Trying to Set Up Live Stream
Thank you so much Hoerich for the info, that makes it much clearer. Now, any idea why the settings won't save?
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Lisa Forbes
April 2013
[RESOLVED THANKS MARTIN!] Problems Trying to Set Up Live Stream
Ok, so this is juts strange and I can't figure out what I'm missing. I can change the stream label, hit save and it stays but nothing else will. I try to uncheck the enable replay gain but it keeps defaulting back. Same thing when I change…
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Lisa Forbes
April 2013
Frontend Widgets-Need a Video Tutorial
I've never made a screencast but I'm sure I could figure it out but the last thing I should be making a video about is setting up or configuring Airtime LOL.
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Lisa Forbes
April 2013
How Long for Files to Upload and Files Not Uploading
Hi, Sorry I'm just making it back. I haven't attempted another upload lately but I would agree that it is probably an IE issue as I had problems today trying to add content to shows in IE but worked perfectly in Firefox. I would also agr…
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Lisa Forbes
April 2013
Pulling whats left of my hair out!
What are you using as the Master Username? Whatever it is try changing it to source an be sure that the settings for your input stream and Airtime are the same. If that doesn't work try using show source instead of Master source. I think show s…
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Lisa Forbes
March 2013
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