> its a requirement by our government to provide the media companies
> with a log file of all files played during the year.
Does this log have to be in a specific format, e.g. XML? I would be
surprised if these agencies were still aiming to do the job manually.
> It would be great if airtime logs the played song into the airtime
> database or in a separate file for people that don't want to clog there
> databases
We are investigating ways to capture live shows with a program like
darklog and re-import them into the Airtime database, where the
recordings can be matched up with the show metadata.
Where not required to log the whole songs ( as in recordings ) . We just need to provide what songs we played on air. Xml would be perfect for it. As it easy to import into mysql or be used in other ways. It would be great if there was an option what to include into the log. That would make it useful for every purpose.