photos on blog
  • Hi

    still using 3.4 - still getting our journalists used to it before i upgrade - i have 3 separate sites so not looking forward to it

    anyway they want a blog setting up for a man climbing Everest but i cant get it to load any pictures - not even the main picture

    their is nothing in the 100x100 folder

    any ideas
  • 5 Comments sorted by
  • Hi Mark,

    I supposed you checked for the permissions but just to make sure, is the
    apache user able to write to the images directory and it's subdirectories?

    Is the 3.5 instance on another server than 3.4? If so, is the PHP GD module
    installed and loaded?

    Finally, please clear the apache error log, go to Newscoop admin interface,
    try to upload an image, attach it to an article and then view the article in
    the frontend. Check the apache error log file, maybe you see some relevant
    messages there.

    Mugur Rus
    Senior Software Developer, Sourcefabric

    Cluj-Napoca, Romania
    +40 (0)720 528408
    Skype: mugur_rus

    On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 7:02 PM, mark casson <> wrote:

    > Hi
    > still using 3.4 - still getting our journalists used to it before i upgrade
    > - i have 3 separate sites so not looking forward to it
    > anyway they want a blog setting up for a man climbing Everest but i cant
    > get it to load any pictures - not even the main picture
    > their is nothing in the 100x100 folder
    > any ideas

  • I still cannot get a picture to load on the blog so i tried to use a picture in the text using the html source editor

    whatever i put in IE src="pics_for_blog/picturename.jpg" it changes it to src="/admin/blog/admin/picturename.jpg"

    So i created /admin/blog/admin/picturename.jpg but it still wont load

    any ideas of what im doing wrong
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Andrey PodshivalovAndrey Podshivalov
    Posts: 1,526Member, Administrator, Sourcefabric Team
    hi Mark,

    personally I recommend do not use blog plugin. It duplicates core article functionality and still buggy.
    You can create blog article type and section for blog posting like we've done on
  • i would prefer that but im not very good at writing templates and on on my site their is a latest articles list which would end up being dominated by my try and fails

    I have now managed to get the photos on their by placing them in a folder i had to rewrite a htaccess file for

    What i need help with now is where is the style sheet for it
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Andrey PodshivalovAndrey Podshivalov
    Posts: 1,526Member, Administrator, Sourcefabric Team
    usually the style stuff could be placed in templates/ or in plugins/blog/css