Failing to distribute over e-mail
  • Hi,
    I have had some issues sending out e-mails from my server (azure). I have solved most of the issues by using mailgun. When I set up a distribution channel to tell it to send e-mail, I can see this issue. What does it mean? Is there a port that I need to open?

    PublishEmailError Error 11000 - Email publish error:[SSL: UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL] unknown protocol (_ssl.c:645) 


  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • The reason for this was on the azure ubuntu where the solution for me was the following:

    MAIL_USE_SSL = True
    MAIL_USE_TSL = False
    MAIL_PORT = 465

    Mail server is set to like this:
    MAIL_SERVER = ''
    MAIL_USERNAME = 'the username you have set in mailgun'
    MAIL_PASSWORD = 'the password generated by mailgun'