If I look in `/var/lib/apt/lists/apt.sourcefabric.org_dists_bionic_main_binary-amd64_Packages` I only find the package `sourcefabric-keyring` (I installed this as well to be sure).
This is because Booktype 2.4.0 is not released yet. Once the package is available it will be added to the newly supported 'bionic' distro on the apt repo.
Am I correct in thinking that the most recent stable version I can install through your apt repository is 2.0, for Ubuntu 14.04? I’d love to install 2.3!
I’ve tried the latest stable snapshot but I ran into some difficulties. After messing around for a bit it looks like I have it working; but of course running a development snapshot I’m a bit afraid It’ll break. For example the postinstallation script expects a `manage.py` file where that file is now called `manage_[dev|staging|prod].py`. I can post a bug if that’s useful?
Thanks for pointing that out, you are right that the postinst does need updating for that change in 2.4.0. For a production instance it would be manage_prod.py