There is a problem with reCAPCHA How do I fix it?
  • Our server is using Ubuntu 10.0.1 So, Linux is no longer supporting Ubuntu, which is causing problems. So we are working hard to make a new server. Right now we are having trouble with RECAPTCHA. RECAPTCHA seems to have problems and needs to be upgraded. So the broadcast has to be stopped. So I want to erase RECAPTCHA or upgrade RECAPTCHA only. Please tell me how to erase RECATCHA. 
    I am not an expert I would like to let you know what code to change in airtime

    We have no wrong password, but reCAPTCHA was in action . Our memory is full soon.

    Message on screen : reCAPTCHA V1 IS SHUTDOWN  

  • 4 Comments sorted by
  • İ have a same problem :(
  • Looking through the documentation for the form builder, it looks like the dev team just needs to obtain a new key for reCaptcha v2. I could help out implementing and testing it (our install of Airtime is off air right now), but I don't think I can obtain a new key on behalf of Airtime.

    From Google's website, reCaptcha v1 was deprecated in March 2018, so v2 is the current supported version. v3 is currently in beta, but I'm guessing v2 will be the primary release for a while.
    Post edited by Ben M at 2018-08-30 15:27:01