Installation issue on AWS
  • Dear,

    I try to
    install superdesk in demo mode on AWS, I have used a t2.medium.  I have follow the installation instruction on
    the superdesk website.  I have configured
    a virtual host in apache  as proxy to
    localhost:8080.  I have run
    ./scripts/ , I start superdesk using ./scripts/docker  When I start a web browser
    on my workstation, I have the login page, I try to login, I receive the
    following error : Sorry, but can't reach the server now. Please try again later.

    If I start
    the development tools in the browser (F12) I see the following error in the
    console : app.bundle.js:585 WebSocket connection to 'ws://localhost:8080/ws'
    failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSEDc @
    Eventa.onerror @ app.bundle.js:5852

    Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

    My browser
    try to open websocket on localhost… What could be the problem ?

    Thanks for
    your help

  • 3 Comments sorted by
  • hello,

    the issue is that this local demo is configured to run on localhost, while your amazon url will be different.

    you can try for amazon, that should work better.

  • Petr,
    It works, thank a lot.
    Is it possible to populate it with the demo data as in the demo version ?
  • you can try this:
    cd /opt/superdesk
    . env/bin/activate
    honcho run python3 app:initialize_data --sample-data -f