I am working on gfmd.info and the hosting platform is migrating its php version to php7 in the end but phase out 5.3 and 5.4 and I have to upgrade it for newscoop running on gfmd.info. When I change the php settings and restart the server I get a white page back and nothing there. I guess it is a cache thing but it could be something else, so I switched back the php version and the is working again. Could you tell me if this is caching or could there be another problem?
thanks for your answer. Greenhost will keep 5.6 for some time as well and sorry for being not clear the empty page was showing up when I upgraded to 5.6 so the question is still relevant.
thanks, it is not the cache but it is: PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function Doctrine\\Common\\Cache\\apc_fetch() in /domains/gfmd.info/DEFAULT/vendor/doctrine/cache/lib/Doctrine/Common/Cache/ApcCache.php on line 40