Installing Live Blog in Test and Production Env
  • Referring to #334 :

    What about the first question? I'm also wondering what it takes to actually run a Live Blog live. ;-)

    I'm sorry, I'm not very experienced with Docker and Phyton. Should Lilve Blog still be run in docker (with docker-compose) for a production environment? What about data persistence?: I had the same issue as described here: Seems I was able to fix it though, but I'm not sure if that's the right way (especially for a production environment). Also, I still cannot log-in to the app as the connections to http://[servername.domain]/api are failing with error "502 Bad Gateway".

    Is it correct to change the three Env variables (SUPERDESK_URL, SUPERDESK_WS_URL, SUPERDESK_CLIENT_URL) in common.yml to the public server name/IP? What else should I consider for a test environment and then for the production environment?

    More guidance for installation would really be needed and greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,


  • 18 Comments sorted by
  • Vote Up1Vote Down Grisha KostyukGrisha Kostyuk
    Posts: 52Member, Sourcefabric Team

    Sorry for a delay, it's still a work in progress, but we already have a new way to install Liveblog on fresh Ubuntu 16.04:

    It needs some more tests, checks and documenting, but you could try if you really need this.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Grisha KostyukGrisha Kostyuk
    Posts: 52Member, Sourcefabric Team
    Hi Philippe, 

    It is better don't use docker for Prod Env. We'll create and publish install scripts soon for Liveblog (like, so please wait for a while.

    P.S. Liveblog scripts will be really similar to, because Superdesk is the core of Liveblog, so you could look at it for now.

    Thank you.

    Post edited by Grisha Kostyuk at 2016-09-12 10:05:52
  • Hi Grisha

    Oh wow, that would be fantastic, thank you very much! I by the way realized that my problem when installing the demo is due to most probably a too small AWS instance (micro). I'm now trying to install on a medium instance but get a new issue when starting server with

    ERROR: client and server don't have same version (client : 1.19, server: 1.18)

    What could that be? 

    Post edited by Philippe Addor at 2016-09-12 23:14:55
  • Hi all!
    Grisha, tell us when you publish a script to LiveBlog? Is there a specific date?
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Grisha KostyukGrisha Kostyuk
    Posts: 52Member, Sourcefabric Team
    Hi Stanislav,

    There is no a specific date, we've Sourcecamp 18-22 September where we are going discuss some topics (topic regarding Liveblog scripts also in the plan) and after the camp we'll create them, so it'll be at the end of September.

  • Vote Up0Vote Down Grisha KostyukGrisha Kostyuk
    Posts: 52Member, Sourcefabric Team
    Hi Philippe,


    > ERROR: client and server don't have same version (client : 1.19, server: 1.18)

    Sorry, I'm new in the team and I'm not using docker installation now, so I can't answer this question.
  • Hi, 

    Any update for this issue? I just retried it using the docker-compose script and got the same error about the versions. There must be a problem with the prebuilt image. It would be great if somebody could try to reproduce and  fix that. 

    I unfortunately don't have enough experience to adapt the Superdesk install script to use it for Live Blog. 


  • Hi, Grisha!
    Thanks for script! Can i use it fo Ubuntu 14.04?
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Grisha KostyukGrisha Kostyuk
    Posts: 52Member, Sourcefabric Team
    Nope, it needs some modifications. We decided to create new script for newest Ubuntu LTS. Ubuntu 16.04 uses systemd and this is the main difference.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Grisha KostyukGrisha Kostyuk
    Posts: 52Member, Sourcefabric Team
    But you could create LXC container inside your Ubuntu 14.04 and install it into container :)
  • Wonderful, thank you Grisha, I'll give it a shot.
  • Great job, it works like a charm now! I just installed it on a AWS t2.medium instance successfully. Is this setup already suitable for production environment? I guess the configuration can be done here, right:? /opt/liveblog/server/

  • Vote Up0Vote Down Grisha KostyukGrisha Kostyuk
    Posts: 52Member, Sourcefabric Team
    Yep, it's pretty much as production.

    There is "/opt/liveblog/envfile" - you could change some options.

    To activate python envirenment, you need to run "source /opt/liveblog/env/bin/activate", it also activates these vars form envfile.

    Run "supervisorctl status" to see if liveblog processes are running well.

    But it's still in active development, so it could be some changes there...
    Post edited by Grisha Kostyuk at 2016-10-19 04:39:31
  • OK. But /opt/liveblog/server/ doesn't need to be edited? It contains an email address of Sourcefabric... 

    And there is one problem: The embed code is empty in the blog settings, also the link "LIVE" is grayed out. No way to publish the blog... What could that be? 


  • Vote Up0Vote Down Grisha KostyukGrisha Kostyuk
    Posts: 52Member, Sourcefabric Team
    You could change it via "envfile" if you do

    source /opt/liveblog/env/bin/activate; env

    you will see MAIL_USERNAME from envfile :)

    Regarding embed - as I said I need more tests on this and I'm busy now for another thing. Sorry.
  • Also not working API according to this document:

    Unfortunately, we have to admit that now the platform is not suitable for use as a working system
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Grisha KostyukGrisha Kostyuk
    Posts: 52Member, Sourcefabric Team
    the docs you mentioned is outdated it was written 3 years ago...
  • But this link: until yesterday, was the link to this API. Today no link :)