Metadata Edits
  • Hello

    First time poster.
    Just starting out with Smartblocks and wonder if it is possible to update/change metadata in bulk. 
    I'm talking about the same tag in multiple files here. ie Change the "Composer" tag to Monday

  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • Hello! Airtime wasn't designed to do that. You'll need to make sure your tags are correct before importing.
  • Well here is a script I found somewhere on the web I use most time .
    but there are many,you can also edit the tags with easytag ,ex Falso or Kid3

    here is a snippet of the ,I took out  from Airtime library(libs)and made mine

     def set_metadata_and_save(self, filepath):
            Writes song to 'filepath'. Uses metadata from:
                self.start_time, self.show_name, self.show_instance
                full_date, full_time = self.start_time.split(" ",1)
                # No idea why we translated - to : before
                #full_time = full_time.replace(":","-")
      "time: %s" % full_time)
                artist = "Airtime Show Recorder"
                #set some metadata for our file daemon
                recorded_file           = mutagen.File(filepath, easy = True)
                recorded_file['artist'] = artist
                recorded_file['date']   = full_date
                recorded_file['title'] = "%s-%s-%s" % (self.show_name,
                        full_date, full_time)
                #You cannot pass ints into the metadata of a file. Even tracknumber needs to be a string
                recorded_file['tracknumber'] = unicode(self.show_instance)

            except Exception, e:
                top = traceback.format_exc()
                self.logger.error('Exception: %s', e)
                self.logger.error("traceback: %s", top)

    Post edited by Voisses Tech at 2016-07-20 13:58:56
    Anyone reading this a find it funny about my grammar , I make no apology ,Go get a translator.
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