Email Ingest Error
  • Hi there,

    I recieve the following error when trying to integrate the Email ingest feed:

    SystemError [6002] on ingest provider UH Email: [SSL: UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL] unknown protocol (_ssl.c:600)

    Please see attached screen shots of the feed error and also the settings that I have used to set it up.

    Is there somewhere else I need to edit settings for this to work?
  • 4 Comments sorted by
  • hey, we're using ssl connection which doesn't work on 143 port, can you connect to that server via 993?
  • It is telling me connection refused on port 993.

    Is there any way around this?

  • please check if that destination is accessible from the machine/container where superdesk is running
    Innovations developer, Sourcefabric
  • it seems that this will require fix in the code, atm it's always using ssl connection, which won't work on port 143