I've finally got round to upgrading to Airtime from 2.5.1. Admittedly I did have to create a new VM and install a fresh copy of Airtime, but it all seems to be working ok. Although there's issue that i'd like help with.
Can someone advise how to connect to the Master / Show Mounts. I've tried different software Altacast, Butt 0.1.13 and Edcast but I get the wrong username/password error or it simply wont connect.
I've read that people have had trouble connecting, but I haven't seen any posts on how to fix this. If I can't get this working i'll have to go back to 2.5.1 and that'd be a shame.
ret = get_process_lines("python /usr/lib/airtime/pypo/bin/liquidsoap_scripts/liquidsoap_auth.py --dj #{user} #{password}")
#ret has now the value of the live client (dj1,dj2, or djx), or "ERROR"/"unknown" ...
hd = list.hd(ret)
log("Live DJ authenticated: #{hd}")
hd == "True"
They are referencing the incorrect absolute path for liquidsoap_auth.py. If you change it to the correct path (in my case /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/airtime_playout-1.0-py2.7.egg/liquidsoap/liquidsoap_auth.py) it will solve it. Do a search for liquidsoap_auth.py on your system to ensure that this is the correct location.