Hi, for some reason, my master input source quit working... The logs show that the source is connecting, yet the audio is never switched over. it stays on the fallback. Can you guys help and see what I might have gotten rid of in this file by mistake? This is Airtime 2.5.1 on Debian 8.
ret = get_process_lines("python /usr/lib/airtime/pypo/bin/liquidsoap_scripts/liquidsoap_auth.py --dj #{user} #{password}")
#ret has now the value of the live client (dj1,dj2, or djx), or "ERROR"/"unknown" ...
hd = list.hd(ret)
log("Live DJ authenticated: #{hd}")
hd == "True"
They are referencing the incorrect absolute path for liquidsoap_auth.py. If you change it to the correct path (in my case /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/airtime_playout-1.0-py2.7.egg/liquidsoap/liquidsoap_auth.py) it will solve it. Do a search for liquidsoap_auth.py on your system to ensure that this is the correct location.
Just to update, I can now play content from airtime (before I couldn't). However when I try to log into the master source through airtime I'm getting a 401 error on my streaming client (Authentication required). I'm using the same details set in the panel.
I will continue to troubleshoot to see if I can find anything.
Edit new logs:
2015/08/05 00:52:48 [server:3] New client: localhost.
Would anyone happen to know where the best place to look would be? It's almost like the information isn't sent to liquidsoap for the master source, but I'm not sure how to test that... Is there a way I can hard code the password into the config somewhere?
Thing is though, they can't expect people to use Wheezy forever. Support for it will eventually end, so they'll have to update. Until then I'll stick with things the way they are, or create the mountpoints in icecast for a break in manually.