Schedule delivers blank page
  • ... which makes it pretty hard to edit the schedule.

    It does this intermittently, and the only cure I've found so far is to simply wait till it clears - which can unfortunately take days.

    It happens after I add a new scheduled show. Airtime takes a long time to come back and make that show editor dialog disappear, and sometimes it just sits and hangs there forever. When I go back to the page with a refresh, I get the "no data received" error.

    Does anybody know what I can do to clear this situation?  I have shows to edit! 
  • 6 Comments sorted by
  • Could've sworn I saw this in the bugtracker months ago but can't seem to find it... :-/

    What'd your logs say?
  • I have an idea.. You are using my rss mp3 importer. I have not seen this issue and use it all the time.

    However, I am wondering if a broken, unescaped or unpaired HTML tag is somehow getting into one of the displayed fields - probably the description tag - that is getting displayed and maybe when it has 'fallen out of the view' is when it gets fixed? I put code in there to make it friendly to html tags (htmlentities) specifically to avoid this but maybe it misses a tag or there are broken tags (just plain wrong/misformed) that it can't deal with?.

    If you are displaying descriptions on your schedule page, does that have a problem - or look odd for any items? - Any HTML garbage displaying?

    Could you please backup the airtime database and email it to infoATdeprogrammedradioDOTcom and/or zip it and post it here please, with an indication of when it stopped working - as near as you can assertain? ESPECIALLY which show you just added and what RSS imported file(s) the show uses.

    If I am right, the smoking gun would be in the ID3 tags of that imported file. If it's a broken tag, or an obscure unescaped tag, it should be easy to find and deal with.

    Post edited by John Chewter at 2014-12-15 06:40:25
    No longer using Airtime or Libretime.
  • Here's the fix I found that works:  I stop and restart the Apache server on the Airtime box. For whatever reason, this clears the condition.  This tends to undercut the idea that it's an ID3 tag problem. If it were, the display would be consistently broken after a restart of the Apache daemon.

    When the problem does occur, there is no HTML garbage - the show edit popup DOM element never goes away, and it just hangs. Then when I refresh the page it either clears the condition and I can work as normal, or it stop delivering data. If that happens, I can restart the Apache server and that clears the condition.

    Post edited by Krypton Radio at 2014-12-16 19:01:34
  • OK. I know I am a super hero and can jump over bugs at a single stride.........but please can I have the data requested? I need to understand this?

    No longer using Airtime or Libretime.
  • If anyone one is reading this and agrees please vote this post up.
    Krypton, my friend, it is not a fix, it is a workaround. Let's fix it? I am thinking of a nice knife and FORK solution.
    I, for one, am getting tired of airtime's write-only answers.
    We need solutions and solutions now. It has been too long. Far too long.
    We have uber coders in here.

    No longer using Airtime or Libretime.
  • Father I pray that one day I will wake up on a monday and see all I want to Play.

    Never a blank and when the Boss Call me and Shout "Again!",I P**S my Pants.

    But  Rise Again and make things come back or remain the same

    Cause D a r n.I cannot take this Headache.


    cc GPL used freely
    Anyone reading this a find it funny about my grammar , I make no apology ,Go get a translator.
    "The Problem with education today is that it takes a university degree to switch on a light bulb"
    "You learn from your mistakes but wise people learn from others mistakes avoid Making mistakes there is not sufficient rooms to make them"
    "Innuendo","If's","Assumptions" and "Fear" are for politician.Who,What,where,When and How are for those seeking knowledge and care about Humanity.
    "I might be in Mud but that does not Make me a Wild Hog(pig)"
    “Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.”
    "The only thing that remains constant is change itself"
    May the force be with you,until our path or destiny bring us in tandem.