I just finished configuring airtime with icecast server and have uploaded the mp3s through watch folder (/home/radio/music/) and last create the content (test) on calendar for 24 hours. The ON AIR button shows the red color means it is already broadcasting, but after 24 hours the ON AIR button is grayed out and the music stops playing.
What I need to ask is can airtime play nonstop music (no end) without having to put the content every day and play the music from the folder (/home/radio/music/) randomly without stoping (looping).
Also previously I experienced with SAM and Proppfrexx, the two apps have the ability to play clockwheel rotation on SAM. Does airtime have this kind of feature?
You can create a show length of 24 hours, and make it a daily repeating show with no end. Then add dynamic smart blocks and any static content you want to the first show in the sequence, until your 24 hour clockwheel is complete.
(You can make shorter clockwheels if you want, by using multiple linked shows. For example, if you need a particular static item to be played exactly at 9am you can have a show containing a dynamic smart block 00:00 to 09:00, fade out the last item automatically, then start a new show 09:00 to 12:00 which begins with the static item. This would also enable you to have different musical moods at different times of the day, depending on your dynamic smart block criteria for a show).
You will get the same static content every day, but the content of the dynamic smart blocks will be different, as long as you have enough media in your Airtime library to ensure variation. See 'Creating a smart block' here: