No audio output | how to disable audio on HDMI
  • Hi,
    I've installed Airtime 2.5 on a Ubuntu Server 14.04, everything seems to be fine apart from the audio output, I can't select by default the analog output and it seems to give the audio output on HDMI.

    Alsamixer seems to be correctly working, but the interface 0 is always hdmi. I can't remove the driver because the analog audio interface is on-board (as HDMI) and uses the same driver.

    Could anybody help me?

    Tnx in advance!
  • 5 Comments sorted by
  • Could you try to create a ~/.asoundrc or /etc/asound.conf
    then put :

    ctl.!default {
    type hw
    card 0

    replace 0 with the number of the card you want by default
  • Thank you Quentin, I tried but it didn't work... The only way to get it working was to install an external video card and disable hdmi...

    Any other idea?
    Post edited by Francesco Papaleo at 2014-09-24 03:38:05
  • make sure  you do aplay -l and find the different device and card number
    you could
    1. disable the card sound  completely  by using this command sudo pico /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist -> blacklist snd_hda_intel
    2. change the cards enable by sudo pico /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf looking for the  default card and change the line to options snd-hda-intel enable=1,0  where the analog card is card 1  and device 0
    3. adding also the default in the asound file like this
    • defaults.pcm.card 1
      defaults.pcm.device 0
      defaults.ctl.card 0

    Best of luck


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  • In this moment we solved making an unofficial chipset/bios update which permitted to disable the hdmi output. If I'll get again in trouble i'll try this second option.

    Thank you!
    Post edited by Francesco Papaleo at 2014-09-24 15:42:04
  • I found that today, it should work on Debian servers too :