i have a new installed booktype instance (v.1.6.1), and if it comes to export/publish a book/ebook/screen PDF, i get the error "Unknown error while trying to publish this book."
If you Booktype server is not publicly accessible from objavi.booktype.pro you will need to install it locally. If it is, you should configure THIS_BOOKI_SERVER to be your public hostname, like THIS_BOOKI_SERVER='booktype.myserver.com' or THIS_BOOKI_SERVER='booktype.myserver.com:8080' if it is on another font.
Looking at the error I would say this configuration option is set to be THIS_BOOKI_SERVER='' at the moment.
I adapted the "THIS_BOOKI_SERVER = 'ourserver.com/myproject' and also commented out the "custom BOOKI_URL" and use the "BOOKI_URL = 'http://%s' % THIS_BOOKI_SERVER".
in my case this doesn't work. I have install objavi, I can import epub through objavi and espri but it is not possibly to export them through our local objavi.
we have the following settings
THIS_BOOKI_SERVER = 'XX.XX.XX.XXX' # is a public ip BOOKI_URL = 'http://%s' % THIS_BOOKI_SERVER