Problem with authentication trought "Use Authentication airtime"
  • Hi guys,
    I discovered a problem with authentication show source, the problem occurs when you create a block in your calendar with a live DJ, in the "Live Stream Input" check "Use Authentication airtime" and the "Who" choose which will air DJ.
    When trying to connect from a client that does not allow to change the username of basic "source", declares the authorization error. It would be possible to add to the "Live Stream Input" checkbox which, if authorization of airtime used a standard username "source" use the name and password of the selected Dj.

  • 5 Comments sorted by
  • I'm not sure if I follow?

    If you need a client to connect using username "source" you would select "Use Custom Authentication". Please clarify if this is not what you were asking.
    Airtime Pro Hosting:
  • Yes I know that I can use custum authorization problem is that if I want to use authorization airtime where I have all the user-specified including different passwords, it's a problem. I finally solved the minor code editing in / usr / share / airtime / application / ApiController.php at line 1011:
    instead of if ($ username == $ h-> getLogin () && md5 ($ password) == $ h-> getpassword () routine) {

    I put
    if ($ username == :: Application_Model_Preference GetLiveSteamMasterUsername () && md5 ($ password) == $ h-> getpassword () routine) {

    uprava works, but not systemically
  • The goal is to solve, possibly simplify administration program planning, and otherwise I still missing localization for translation
  • Fixed it
    Post edited by dmr-ent LT at 2014-03-02 10:46:59
  • Never mind, I fixed it
    Post edited by dmr-ent LT at 2014-03-02 10:46:47