Sourcefabric celebrates World Radio Day on February 13!
  • World Radio Day is February 13 and Sourcefabric is celebrating with live shindigs and online shenanigans.

    We do this each year because, to tell the truth, we built this city radio is just awesome. It reaches more people on earth than any other communications medium. It gives isolated communities and vulnerable populations a platform for public debate. And it plays a key role in emergency communication and disaster relief.

    The way we listen to radio is changing rapidly, with broadband, new software and smartphones presenting opportunities for broadcasters.

    So with the big day coming up, we're going to be publishing a couple hacks of our own on our blog. We'd also love to see yours. Go to the Airtime Hacks category here in the forum and show us what you've got.

    If you're in Prague on #WRD2014, join us and local radio broadcasters for a celebration of radio and a discussion of trends in audience, funding and technology, plus visions of the future of the medium.

    When? Thursday, February 13, 18:00-20:30
    Where? Prague College, Polská 10, Praha 2-Vinohrady (entrance from Blanická)
    Who? We're still confirming panelists, but so far we know we'll have our very own director of innovations, Doug Arellanes; Radio 1 DJ Zdeněk Hnyk and other radio-makers from commercial, non-profit, shortwave and online outlets.
    Why? Meet other radio-makers and have a couple drinks!

    If you're in Toronto that day, you can hook up with other Airtime users and radio fans for a discussion of the needs facing indie broadcasters today and how Airtime can help.

    When? Thursday, February 13, 6:30-10 p.m.
    Where? Bar Radio, 615 College Street
    Who? You! Plus local broadcasters The Scope, among others.
    Why? Free drinks and music!

    If you happen to be in London, you can find our very own Daniel James talking about all things Airtime at the Centre of African Studies at SOAS, at the University of London. Daniel will be present in the trade show portion of the event so you can catch him and a ton of other amazing radio related projects there.

    There's more to come, so keep checking the forums and blog. And share your hacks!
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  • Here is the first of our radio hacks, Schedule stream recordings from the command line, Part 1 by Micz Flor. 

    This post is dedicated to the research of finding the perfect recorder. He evaluates, Sreamripper, MPlayer, Avconv and VLC.

    Stay tuned for more radio fun as we gear up for World Radio Day on February 13!