Hello all. This is my first time on the forum so forgive me if I am posting incorrectly. I am unable to broadcast a stream that is not an mp3. I have several hosts that would like to broadcast on my station but I am unable to use their stream because they are using a flash player. Is there a way to be able to carry their stream?
It is not a stream from a streaming server. Its a file on a webserver. The error message is correct.
This was why I wrote a remote file importer for Blogtalk. If RSS is enabled in the Blogtalk Account I can import programs automatically.at a given time interval. The code is in the Airtime Hacks Section (2.50) It might need modifying for 2.51. I have not uploaded my 2.51 version.
Post edited by John Chewter at 2014-01-02 12:48:24