Delete article results in blank page
  • Hello
    I have seen a few other threads about this which seem to suggest changing some code in the PlaylistArticleRepository.php which fixes it.
    My problem is I don't understand which parts of the code I should be changing and all the .php files in my Ubuntu Virtual Box are locked.
    Could someone help me please - I'm a complete novice with virtual machines, php, servers and ubuntu.
    Many thanks

  • 3 Comments sorted by
  • Hello Skip...

    I don't use Virtual Box, but I think you must enter like 'admin' or 'root', or the user that have ADMIN privilege to edit the file.

    The file to edit is (in my Ubuntu):


    And you must chanage the code from:

    $article = $em->getRepository('Newscoop\Entity\Article')->findOneBy(array('number' => $articleId));


    $article = $em->getRepository('Newscoop\Entity\Article')->findOneBy(array('number' => $articleId, 'language' => $p_language));

    and the code from:

    $query->setParameter(1, $article);


    $query->setParameters( array('1' => $articleId));

    Save it, and It works ok.

    Best for you
  • YES!!! It worked!! Thank you so much Rolfo.
    Brilliant :)