Install difficulties on 4.2
  • I've come to a halt on the 'database settings' page when installing 4.2. I keep getting the message "There is already a database named xxxxx" even though I know there isn't. If I select the 'overwrite' option I get a system error message, if I use a different name I get the same page again ("There is already a dabase ..."). Either way I can't get past this screen. When I look at my databases using phpMyadmin I can see that it has created the database, but I can't get on to the next screen to complete the installation.

    Help, please!

  • 5 Comments sorted by
  • You do know that airtime uses postgres DB ?
    Your phpmy admin is set up for that or for MySQL?

    use :
    su postresql
    psql -l

    Check if You see the database 'airtime' there.

  • I'm using Newscoop not Airtime. Does your comment still apply?
  • Hi Alan.
    I think db user haven't enough rights. Check pls db user's rights in table "db" from MySQL database.
    For check rights try login into PMA with newscoop db user
    Or as a workaround try make database, db user and his rights manualy. Then select "use existing", and continue installation.
  • Ruslan

    Thank you for taking the time to reply.
    I'm afraid I don't follow much of what you say. I cannot find a table called 'db' anywhere in the installation. What is 'PMA'? I only have access to the database through the newscoop interface and phpMyadmin, so I can only alter rights and permissions at a table level.

  • table db from mysql database. PMA is phpMyAdmin.
    As I understand You haven't root acces to the mysql server. Because only root can change users rights.
    If You haven't root access, ask mysql admin let he give to the newscoop db user, full access on newscoop db and restart installation.
    Post edited by Ruslan Shilov at 2013-10-17 06:36:53