Very wierd. Airtime was streaming just fine, all of a sudden it streams silently. The On Air button occassionaly will light up red but then grey back out and stay grey. Also, it seems stuck trying to connect to icecast. The passwords are correct and airtime_128 mounts in icecast.
I verified that airtime is running correctly. Any ideas? Icecast is also working correctly. I can log in and start other mount points and listen.
I do face similar phenomenons, but I'm not sure for now what the problem is. I experience OFF-AIR for the first 50secs of a 5min (internal) Webstream. Icecast seems to work fine for me. I got two Live-Streams constantly connected to Icecast for Takeovers. I try to sort out the logs this week.
Official Airtime Forum Manager -------------------------- Most of the time an issue is located between keyboard and chair.
I even reinstalled Airtime, fresh install, and still the on air is greyed out, streaming in silence and for some reason, airtime can not connect to icecast. It can mount, but not connect. The passwords are correct as well.
Ok, I was watching the last Shows for this problem
We've had an internal Webstream scheduled from 10:07 - 11:00 CEST working. At 11 CEST a 1-hr-Show started containing a Jingle, 59min-Show and an Outro. All Stereo.
At 11:00:00 CEST Airtimes Red-Light greyed out, the Webstream scheduled from 10-11AM continued streaming for about 12-18 minutes. Then the Red-Light turns Red again and Airtime steps into the Scheduled Show already running 15-18 minutes.
I experience a similar problem with our TOH-Show-Elements 11 times a day for 7 minutes the first minute of the Containing Webstream is not broadcasted.
It seems like the first ca. 20% of the scheduled content is not broadcasted, the rest is aired fine. Attached are my logs from 11:30 CEST, although the log-file is dated with 09:30. I'm wondering what triggers the timestamp for the log-dump? My Airtime-Time was 11:30 when creating log-dump.
I thought I share my troubles n logs, because we are currently preparing our annual Radio Festival, so my time is rare this week.
airtime-check-system told me everything's ok, while on-air light was greyed out.
i try monit later. no problems with LS since v1.1.11
Your mentioned Authentication comes from a streaming-client I forgot to disable. I did change our arrangement from using Show-Source-Input to using scheduled Webstreams. This should not have an effect on LS or this problem. But I deactivate it later and see...
thx for the tipp, albert
Official Airtime Forum Manager -------------------------- Most of the time an issue is located between keyboard and chair.
When I run airtime system check, everything is fine and normal, nothing failed. I've manually restarted and started the monitor and rabbit mqserver. Still can't connect to icecast nor does the on air work.
I figured something out. Airtime 2.4 on my system causes the on air to be grey out. I unistalled it and re-installed 2.3 it can connect to icecast and on the on air works, but it is still not streaming to icecast.