why can't I run newscoop 4.2 on a localserver without virtualhost?
  • I have been trying to run a 'local' version of newscoop on an ubuntu machine today without success. I have a number of joomla and mediawiki sites on this machine. My normal practice, which has served me well for years, is to 'create' the site together with the content on the local machine and then upload a tarball to the live server.

    I can get newscoop to install a great looking version of the 'demo' site. However, ONLY THE FRONT PAGE WORKS! All links to the rest of the content do NOT resolve.

    I guess this is related to the fact that I did not and do not want to create a virtual host setup on this machine.

    Does anyone know how I can make newscoop run properly by entering "http://localhost/newscoop" in the browser without setting up virtual host and thus ruining the rest of my development environment?
  • 8 Comments sorted by
  • Hmmm... yes IC BUT, I do see the admin section perfectly. i.e. without having set up ANY virtual host entry and just by entering "http://localhost/newscoop/admin" I gain access to the administration back end and I can modify, edit content. What does NOT work is any resolution of the links from the front page OR from the [VIEW] icons within the administration side.

    From this I assume that the newscoop code does not deal with the localhost URL additions which it appends to the URL BASE in order to correctly serve ANY of the pages to which ANY link refers.

    I have looked within the various settings PHP scripts BUT I do NOT see anything obvious that I can change to make this work.

    I would appreciate any constructive help as I really think that newscoop looks to be the best news CMS out there. if only I could actually make it work...

  • Vote Up0Vote Down Andrey PodshivalovAndrey Podshivalov
    Posts: 1,526Member, Administrator, Sourcefabric Team
    you don't need to write so many words but apply recommendation: AllowOverride All in default virtual host configuration
    Post edited by Andrey Podshivalov at 2013-06-12 16:06:51
  • Thanks! This worked EXCEPT for the home page link which now points to the root of the www folder. (http://localhost)

    When I click on the newscoop logo (top left), the script correctly resolves to http://localhost/newscoop
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Andrey PodshivalovAndrey Podshivalov
    Posts: 1,526Member, Administrator, Sourcefabric Team

    Thanks! This worked EXCEPT for the home page link which now points to the root of the www folder. (http://localhost)

    it's a hardcoded link "/" in navigation template.
  • SO I could hack this OR use an mod_rewrite exception in .htacces

    Which is recommended?
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Andrey PodshivalovAndrey Podshivalov
    Posts: 1,526Member, Administrator, Sourcefabric Team
    better to change template themes/publication_2/theme_1/_tpl/header.tpl

    you can find here
    <a href="/">
  • Cool! That worked... thanks very much!
    Now I will have to see if this will work on the live server environment provided by JustHost