I know this has been mentioned before in other threads, but I can't seem to find a solution to the issue as yet.
When I add a watched folder, media monitor dutifully goes through all the files and adds them to the library. Great. At some point I have removed the watched folder and all the library files disappeared. Again. Good. however, I then decide I want to watch that music folder after all so I added it back again. Media monitor goes through all the files, but none of them appear in the library. If I look in the log file, I get an entry for each item similar to:
2013-05-26 00:18:45,966 INFO - [Thread-4] [owners.py : get_owner()] : LINE 12 - Received owner for /srv/airtime/music/a-list/Lawson - When She Was Mine.mp3. Owner: -1
2013-05-26 00:18:45,967 INFO - [Thread-4] [events.py : __init__()] : LINE 96 - did not match path: /srv/airtime/music/a-list/Lawson - When She Was Mine.mp3
2013-05-26 00:18:45,967 INFO - [Thread-4] [watchersyncer.py : handle()] : LINE 65 - Received event 'ModifyFile'. Path: '/srv/airtime/music/a-list/Lawson - When She Was Mine.mp3'
I don't know what is causing the "did not match path" error.
Yes, it's a bug in 2.3.x and will be fixed in 2.4.
Currently the workaround is to remove the watched folder, delete all the items with "file_exist" marked as "f" from cc_files table in Database.and re-add the watched folder.
BTW, I didn't try to resync the watched folder manually.
Thanks for the info! I look forward to 2.4 :) In the meantime, how do I access the database? I'm used to using phpmyadmin for database admin for mysql, but I understand this is postgresql? Steve