Best Way to Import 10 Years of Archives?
  • Hi - I'm new here, and have been getting up to speed with Newscoop for a weekly community newspaper site I'm redeveloping.

    I'm interested in putting 10 years of our archives into the database. There are 52 issues per year, and each issue has sections which I've set up in Newscoop. They're not currently in a database, but exist as HTML files in directories. I'm comfortable writing code to parse the files on disk.

    My question is: what's the best way for me to get them into Newscoop? I've had a look at the Import XML code, and I *could* create an XML file for each issue/section, and import it that way, but that's an awful lot of clicking.

    I'm hoping I can procedurally (i.e. with some PHP) create an issue, then import articles into each section of that issue. Has anyone ever done this? Does anyone have any advice? Should I write my own inserts into the database, or is there any kind of API for this?

    Thanks for reading, and any advice anyone can offer. Newscoop seems excellent - I'm really looking forward to getting our issues out there.

  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Paweł MikołajczukPaweł Mikołajczuk
    Posts: 72Member, Sourcefabric Team
    For now we don't have yet write API support (it's planed for 4.3 release). 
    I think that the best way will be php script.