Can't save changes to Article Content
  • I did a new install of Newscoop, 3.5.3, including "The Journal" sample data.

    However, when going in and editing any articles (as administrator), any text edits in the "Deck" field or "full-text" field of the TinyMCE sections, neither the "Save" nor "Save and Close" buttons do anything.  So existing articles can't effectively be edited, and new ones won't save with any body content.

    Is there some setting/config option that I'm missing?

  • 25 Comments sorted by
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Andrey PodshivalovAndrey Podshivalov
    Posts: 1,526Member, Administrator, Sourcefabric Team
    could you check this functionality on ?
  • Yes, works fine on the demo site.   Just not on my install (on shared hosting).
    Other saves work, such as comments, pub schedule, location changes, etc.  Just not edits to the actual article content.

  • Vote Up0Vote Down Andrey PodshivalovAndrey Podshivalov
    Posts: 1,526Member, Administrator, Sourcefabric Team
    Please use Firefox with installed Firebug and look at server response/javascript error on Save clicking. It seems there is some server side error

  • On both the Web Console and Error Console, when I click on Save or Save And Close, there is no action at all on the consoles. There is for other buttons, like "Edit", Save Comments, etc.  Just not Save or Save and Close.  They do slightly change color on mouse over, so that part functions.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Martin SaturkaMartin Saturka
    Posts: 40Member, Sourcefabric Team
    May be, if we could have access to your site, we could try to look what's going wrong there. It is hard just to guess.


  • Hello, I'm new to working with this solution. I'm not developer and very little about php and tpl extension, however, this problem also says Ed Linder is happening in a new installation on my local server, I'm using Wamp. Additionally, on the part of key words and hit the switches to save fails and goes to file articles / post.php with the message {"Results": {"f_message": "Security Pass inv \ u00e1lido" }}.

    Excuse my English I hope you understand what I am saying.
    Post edited by Andres Gomez at 2012-01-22 21:01:50
  • It seems that the article was trying to create was not associated with any publication and that he was choosing the Spanish language when there was only published in English, the English language and choose the link to a journal article the problems were solved.
  • I have exactly the same problem as Ed Linder quite suddenly. I'm not aware that I am publishing anything but English and the articles are created within the frame of a publication and an issue thereof.

    This doesn't work with either IE8 or FF14 or 15. Please help, this is a life site running 3.5.1.


    Error console of FF is telling me this:

    SyntaxError: unterminated string literal
    Line: 1238
    Source text: "cvvmrqnkvx

    plus this
    Warning: error parsing the value for für 'filter'. 
    admin-style/jquery-ui-1.8.6.custom.css Zeile: 55

    When I click on the link it tells me this line:

    Post edited by Andel at 2012-09-09 04:26:34
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Andrey PodshivalovAndrey Podshivalov
    Posts: 1,526Member, Administrator, Sourcefabric Team
    Andel said:

     Please help, this is a life site running 3.5.1.

    first off, you need to upgrade site to 3.5.5
  • Upgrading is very complicated. All the templates have been changed, it would break the site as it is. Additionally it already was hard enough getting 3.5.1 to work - attempts at later editions proved to be impossible.
    Post edited by Andel at 2012-09-09 08:38:15
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Andrey PodshivalovAndrey Podshivalov
    Posts: 1,526Member, Administrator, Sourcefabric Team
    it's incorrect. Upgrading doesn't affect template files.
  • It did every time I tried in the past. And that's just half of the problem - the other half is that the server packed up with every instance of newscoop after 3.5.1. I can't risk either at the moment.

  • Sigh. Anyone else an idea what might be causing this problem?
  • Hi Andel,

    The best thing to do would be the upgrade as Andrey suggests. There have been many changes since 3.5.1 and most probably the issue you are experimented was already fixed, as it sounds like a blocker issue.

    If you are running Newscoop in a production environment, do not try upgrading that instance directly, you should always do it in a separate instance, ideally on a server with as similar setup as possible to the one running in production. Once you confirm the upgrade is done properly then you can perform the same actions in production.

    All Best,

  • Currently it is out of the question to try anything like this, I have exactly one VPS (not a tiny, rickety affair either) but Newscoop sent it into a tizz more than once during installation. If the server goes down all the sites go down, not just the one Newscoop instance. And yes of course I am running Newscoop in a production environment. I was supposed to update with new articles yesterday and can't.

    I need help with that "blocker issue" or whatever it is, for the whole thing worked perfectly until two days ago. I changed nothing with either the installation or the server either.
  • Unfortunately the problem hasn't magically solved itself. :(
  • This hasn't been resolved. Anyone an idea? The new issue should have been out October the first and I am sitting and unfortunately twiddling thumbs.

    This isn't a new problem, I saw, it happened to others. It ALSO happened to those who have version 3.5.3, so it's really not as if updating to that would solve the problem in all logic.So could someone please wrap their brains around this? Or provide a workaround so I can at least update with the new issue in some way?
  • hi andel, can u send me private msg with some temporary username/password and url so i can check there?
    that might help us to find the problem.
  • Now I have this problem on Newscoop 4.1, shared hosting. The article will not save after first edit.
    I have a 100% standard install with The New Custodian theme and sample data installed.
    Everything else works, except save. It's soooo frustrating :\
    Now I have to submit changes directly to the database, which basically ruins all my dreams of running a multi-user website.

    Did anyone manage to get deeper into what's causing this?
    Post edited by Jobe Lawn at 2013-03-16 22:29:57
  • I have at least figured out that the save feature works when I only change text, option switches, images or geolocation. HOWEVER, when I add things like html code, or if I add a video, for some reason; SAVE does not function.
  • And even more bizarre - I have narrowed it down to when I try to add a video with an IFRAME, then it won't save. If I add something else it works. So for instance if I try to add a Youtube or Liveleak with IFRAME it doesn't want to save, and if I use Youtube's "old method" and paste it into the HTML code, it saves just fine.

    Pretty bizarre behavior no? The thing is a lot of video sharing sites use IFRAME, so it would be almost necessity to have it :)
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Andrey PodshivalovAndrey Podshivalov
    Posts: 1,526Member, Administrator, Sourcefabric Team
    open article edit page with enabled firebug. Check is there any 404 error. It's known a shared hosting specific issue. Some hosters uses very paranoid secure settings and it doesn't allow to load jquery.cookie.js file.
    We don't recommend using shared hosting for newscoop. The best hosting is dedicated/virtual server with installed ubuntu/debian and w/o cpanel/plesk.

  • Thanks for your reply!
    Okay I will try to see with Firebug ... It is just so weird that Iframes will not save, but anything else will ... 
    Any suggestions on how I can solve it though?

    Of course I would like to install it into an Ubuntu VPS, ... But I create websites like this: 10 Shared hosting, 20 if successful, 30 goto VPS, 40 elif insanely succesful, 50 Goto Amazon EC2 (never happened :) )
    Post edited by Jobe Lawn at 2013-03-17 17:56:26
  • OK so Firebug shows me that when I try to save an article that has IFRAME's, then it gives me a 403 Forbidden Error! I am posting as admin user to an English language article, and it works for everything else than when I have iframes.

    In Firebug it shows this error message:
    {"Results":{"f_message":"Invalid security token! (*)"}}

    Post edited by Jobe Lawn at 2013-03-19 08:00:30
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Andrey PodshivalovAndrey Podshivalov
    Posts: 1,526Member, Administrator, Sourcefabric Team
    try to reproduce on site