Airtime Uploaded to Server, Now What?
  • Hi, I have uploaded airtime to my server.  How do I access?  I am certain this is a stupid question, but need to get the ball rolling anyway :)
  • 10 Comments sorted by
  • Documentation is your friend, friend! :)
  • What do you mean uploaded? Have you run the command to install it?
    On Mar 10, 2013 6:44 PM, "buddha tunes" <<br />> wrote:

    > Hi, I have uploaded airtime to my server. How do I access? I am certain
    > this is a stupid question, but need to get the ball rolling anyway :)
    Airtime Pro Hosting:
  • thanks for the quick responses, and sorry for being vague.  i have airtime unzipped to root on an amazon ec2 64 bit linux instance.  how do i run the install on a non-ubuntu linux server?  or run the airtime-check-system script?

    been looking through documentation, and still not clear to me.
  • Ubuntu is the only officially supported OS. Switch flavors and follow the docs!
  • Cannot switch linux flavors.  There is no other documentation to befriend?
  • Airtime was designed to work with Debian/Ubuntu. Other flavors may work, but you're crazy to mess around with them unless you want a bug-ridden system. Sorry!
  • Can I install airtime on an ubuntu linux instance and have it access icecast on an amazon linux instance?
  • Yes this is possible :)

    On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 11:43 PM, buddha tunes <<br />> wrote:

    > Can I install airtime on an ubuntu linux instance and have it access
    > icecast on an amazon linux instance?
    Airtime Pro Hosting:
  • great, thanks.  last question:  are there any significant downsides to having airtime on a different server than icecast?
  • None whatsoever. Just make sure you set secure icecast username/passwords
    since you are letting external hosts to connect.

    On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 12:04 AM, buddha tunes <<br />> wrote:

    > great, thanks. last question: are there any significant downsides to
    > having airtime on a different server than icecast?
    Airtime Pro Hosting: