Cross publication featured article list
  • Hello! I am currently using Newscoop for the magazine of the european franco-german campus of Sciences Po Paris in Nancy ( with the New Custodian Theme and I am really more than satisfied!
    I also created a blog as a new publication with a new alias ( 
    My problem is the following: the front page of the main site is managed by a featured article list. I can add a blog article to that list but this article does not appear on the front page. I tried a ignore_publication="true" argument, but since it uses a "article_playlist" to list the frontpage articles, I believe it does not take any arguments. Is there any possibility to display content from one publication with a featured article list in another publication?
    Thank you very much!!
    Best regards,
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  • Question solved. There was an issue with the languages. Both publications have to be in the same language!