Adjust volume of random played tracks
  • Hi all,

    I'm playing "random tracks on silence" on our instore radio, which works very fine and stable. All tracks have a volume of 89 dB. One time each day a short show plays a single soundfile to kindly ask the customers to leave the store. This file has a volume of 105 dB. This difference is very much higher, as the digits suppose to be. If I listen to the files directly from the datasource the volume-difference is absolutely satisfying. But after the last airtime-update the volume-difference between the random played tracks and the show-content is decreased very much and only a little noticed.

    Is there a way to decrease the volume of the random played tracks to get more difference? Maybe by the amplify-function in the liquidsoap_scripts?

    Thanks in advance.

  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Albert FRAlbert FR
    Posts: 1,978Member, Airtime Moderator

    output.dummy... into ls_script.liq

    add this line :

    default = amplify(1.,override="replay_gain",default)
    and modify the numerical value
  • Thank you for your soon response. I'll try it :-)