Problem creating Smart Blocks with "minutes" lengths
  • Hi,

    We just upgraded to 2.2 and are very excited about the new features including Smart Blocks. Great job, all. 

    I've noticed a small issue trying to create a dynamic block that is 57 minutes long. The UI hangs with the Processing modal and never recovers. The logs show the following:

    2012-11-05T10:44:23-05:00 INFO (6): [Block.php : getContents() : line 191] - Getting contents for block 10
    2012-11-05T10:44:46-05:00 INFO (6): [index.php : () : line 71] - Undefined variable: mins
    2012-11-05T10:44:46-05:00 INFO (6): [index.php : () : line 73] - #0 /usr/share/airtime/application/models/Block.php(326): exception_error_handler(8, 'Undefined varia...', '/usr/share/airt...', 326, Array)
    #1 /usr/share/airtime/application/models/Block.php(1045): Application_Model_Block->getDynamicBlockLength()
    #2 /usr/share/airtime/application/controllers/PlaylistController.php(469): Application_Model_Block->saveSmartBlockCriteria(Array)
    #3 /usr/share/php/libzend-framework-php/Zend/Controller/Action.php(516): PlaylistController->saveAction()
    #4 /usr/share/php/libzend-framework-php/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php(295): Zend_Controller_Action->dispatch('saveAction')
    #5 /usr/share/php/libzend-framework-php/Zend/Controller/Front.php(954): Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard->dispatch(Object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http), Object(Zend_Controller_Response_Http))
    #6 /usr/share/php/libzend-framework-php/Zend/Application/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.php(97): Zend_Controller_Front->dispatch()
    #7 /usr/share/php/libzend-framework-php/Zend/Application.php(366): Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap->run()
    #8 /usr/share/airtime/public/index.php(64): Zend_Application->run()
    #9 {main}

    This is a fresh install of both Ubuntu 12.04 and Airtime so no DB restore shenanigans or anything like that was done :)

    Any ideas? Thanks.
  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • Hi Ed,

    This bug has been found and is in the pipeline for the 2.2.1 release.

    Thanks for the report.
    Airtime Pro Hosting: