more than 3 output streaming & some questions
  • Hi,
    first of all compliments for the great project, it's awesome.
    so, i've some problem because i need to have about 4 output streaming, but i don't know how to do, with 1 source i need 2 different quality bitrate with both shoutcast and icecast.
    From the settings instead i can configure only 3 outputs.. there is a way to have 4 outputs?

    Other questions.
    2..i've a VPS ubuntu self managed, how can i see if i have the opportunity of record and rebroadcasting show?
    3. in the next version will be possible to have random selection 24/7 and a playlist that "kick-out" the random selection for replace with the scheduled show? (i try to explain better, i want a server that streams 24/7 random music from a folder and at some hours it play the playlist.

    sorry for my english..

    nicola :)
  • 3 Comments sorted by
  • Hi,

    1. In the database, from cc_pref table, you can change "max_stream_out" (cannot remember exact flag name at the moment) to whatever your want. It's set to 3 by default

    2. I don't think recording is possible unless Airtime is installed on your local machine. This might be improved in the future.

    3. Can you please explain better on this?
  • Hi James:

    In #3, what I think he meant (and what I also need sort of) is:

    Have the station play random music all the time EXCEPT for specific scheduled shows that I upload to play on specific times. For example, I might have a show every Wednesday at 3 PM PST and I upload the show file (it's pre-recorded) and expect it to play at 3 PM PST. However, the rest of the time, I want the radio to play various music.

    Hopefully we will get an answer.

  • ok i found a solution for the third problem :)

    Step 1: make a directory for the songs to be stored
    in. (for me this is a sub folder I made in mine in the airtime storage
    folder) this can be completed in the command line or in GUI, the command
    for what I (there is no GUI on the box I am using) did is listed below.

    In command line:

    mkdir /srv/airtime/downtime

    Step 2: Move songs to this location (this can again be done through the GUI, I did mine using the move commands in command line)

    mv /file/location/for/song /srv/airtime/downtime

    Step 3: Locate the Liquidsoap file that sets up the stream using the find function(this is easiest though the command line

    find -name ls_script.liq

    Should return a path to this file eg.


     Step 4: Open the file as a super user for editing

    sudo nano /usr/lib/airtime/pypo/bin/liquidsoap_scripts/ls_script.liq

    Step 5: Save a back up copy

    Keystroke Ctrl+o

    Step 6: Delete the lines that say

    default = amplify(0.00001, noise())

    default = rewrite_metadata([("artist","Airtime"), ("title", "offline")],default)

    Replace with (you could run have a script play here, but for now we will just have it play random things)

    default = playlist(mode='random', "/srv/airtime/stor/downtime")


    Step 7: Close and Save the flie

    Keystroke Ctrl+o

    Name= ls_script.liq

    Key stroke Ctrl+x

    Step 8: Restart the Airtime stream using

    If you are running Airtime 2.x.x

    sudo service airtime-playout restart

    If you are running Airtime1.9.x

    sudo service airtime-playout stop

    sudo service airtime-playout start

    If you are running Airtime1.8.x

    sudo /usr/lib/airtime/pypo/bin/airtime-pypo-stop

    sudo /usr/lib/airtime/pypo/bin/airtime-pypo-start


    Now your airtime server should play songs out of the folder /srv/airtime/stor/downtime when the server is down.


    the first problem is under working :D

    Post edited by nicolaM at 2012-10-17 22:20:29