Show plays on wrong time - even if deleted an re-added
  • Hi,

    I'm using airtime for a instore radio solution and it all works very fine and stable - except one show. The only scheduled show is a daily one minute slot which contains a 20 sec. MP3 with a notice for the customers to please leave the shop within 15 minutes. This MP3 is played every day 15 minutes to the end of the working day. The working day ends on 18:00h Monday till Friday and on 14 o'clock on Saturday. I defined repeating shows with no end for Monday till Friday and another repeating show for all saturdays and put the MP3-notice manual in each show. The whole (other) time airplay plays randomly MP3-music except these 20 sec. for the notice. This all works very fine, BUT: two weeks ago we extended the working hours on saturday to 16 o'clock. I have edited the show on saturday and modified the start end end-time. Duration one minute, repeats every Saturday at 15:45h. The show is correctly shown in the calendar, but it plays the content at the former scheduled time of 13:45!

    There is only one show on saturday.
    Its definitely scheduled at the right time.
    Its only played at the wrong time, no second playback at the right time.
    Server time and timezone are correct.
    I deleted the repeating shows on saturdays and added the show again.
    Server is up to date and I restarted it.
    The playout history shows the correct time (15:45h) (but it played on 13:45h)

    The System:
    Virtual VMWare-machine
    ubuntu 10.04
    2 Processors Xeon E5420 @2.5 GHz
    2 GB Ram
    20 GB HDD (14 free)
    Airplay 2.1.3.

    Can anybody give a hint?
    Is there a file where all schedules are listed?

    Please help

    Thanks a lot in advance.

  • 11 Comments sorted by
  • Hi again,

    it really drives me to despair. I accessed the database by GUI and deleted the following:

    - all unused shows and all shows on saturdays

    - all scheduled starts on saturdays in the past and in the future

    - all starts on saturdays

    - all instances where show_id = unused/delted shows in cc_show
    - all instances on saturdays in the past and in the future

    After this clearing I added a new show - not repeating - for Saturday, the 13th of October, new correct time 15:45h and checked the entry in cc_schedule, which was correct set to 13:45 (TimeZone Berlin +2) -> 15:45h

    But again this show was still played at the wrong time 13:45h

    I'm at a loss what to do.

    Please help.

  • Hi Stephan,

    How did you delete the original repeating show? did you use "Delete this instance and all the following" action? We found a bug yesterday with this action and it will be fixed in 2.1.
  • Hi Stephan,

    It seems several users discovered this bug just this week. A work-around in the meantime is to use "Delete This Instance" instead of "Delete This Instance and all Following", until we release a patch.

    Since you cannot go back in time to delete show instances this way, here is a command to run from the terminal to fix up your schedule

    sudo -u postgres psql -c 'DELETE FROM cc_schedule WHERE id in (SELECT from cc_schedule s LEFT JOIN cc_show_instances si on s.instance_id = WHERE si.modified_instance = 't');' airtime

    Airtime Pro Hosting:
  • Hi guys,

    sorry for my late reply. First time I didn't deleted the scheduled show but changend the start/end-time. After I realized that this hasn't worked I deleted "this instance and all following"

    I'll try your fix up and will report on next week...

    Thanks a lot

  • The systems reply to my try of the fix is:

    FEHLER:  Spalte »t« existiert nicht
    ZEILE 1: on s.instance_id = WHERE si.modified_instance = t);

    ERROR: Column »t« doesn't exists
    ROW 1: on s.instance_id = WHERE si.modified_instance = t);
    A little arrow points to the "t"

    Looks like an syntax error!?


  • Hey,

    Sorry about that, please try this:

    sudo -u postgres psql -c 'DELETE FROM cc_schedule WHERE id in (SELECT from cc_schedule s LEFT JOIN cc_show_instances si on s.instance_id = WHERE si.modified_instance = true);' airtime
    Airtime Pro Hosting:
  • " Deleted 3" the system replies.

    Thanks a lot.

  • Sorry, it doesn't worked. The show still plays at the wrong time. Is there a way to access the database by a gui? What account informations do I have to enter in a graphical postgres editor (Username, Password ...)?

    Thank you again :-)
  • Push ;-)
  • It's airtime/airtime by default.
  • omg. that was very too easy :-D

    thank you!