Issues trying to log onto first time screen
  • I am a newbie trying out airtime after playing with some windows based schedulers, and when I installed it first time I had issues so have done a complete dump and reinstall of airtime 2.1.3 but having issues with the first time admin screen as defaults are showing to be wrong (user Admin password admin) and has been challenging me with captiva. this is a local installed copy however the unit is on the net. Using xubuntu 12.04.1 (ubuntu with xfce interface). Thanks for any help as I'm a real newbie at this one
  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • HI Michael,

    If you try to login with wrong user/pass too many times, it will ban the IP.
    So you need to clear some stuff on your DB in order to undo the ban.

    1. clear out cc_login_attemps table
    2. set login_attempts column to 0 on cc_subj table.

    Or you can of course reinstall airtime to go back to initial stage.
    Please note that the default user/pass is admin/admin not Admin/admin.

    Thank you.
  • Thanks.. apparently waited, came back and it finally took it first try today, go figure thank you for the help and proper password