Multiple Live Broadcast At The Same Time?
  • I know with a stand alone icecast server this is possible as I've tinkered with it before and have been able to get it to work. However I'm not sure if Airtime itself is able to work this way with Icecast. What I would like to do is to be able to receive multiple live streams from from our area Highs Schools Sporting events. Record and Broadcast them live, then of course do a rebroadcast at a later date. Had our area games been at different dates and times it would be just a matter of scheduling etc. Unfortunately I don't have that privilege as our area games for the most part end up being on the same day same time.

    The way I've done it with Icecast in the past was I just created users & mount points for "X" number of users I was going to be receiving a broadcast from and configure Icecast to automatically archive the stream. Of course I would then have to have a web player for each stream on my site etc. Then when the games end up being over, I would then have to go through the process of moving the archive to a central archive store, create a web player for it etc. Basically what I'm saying is it ended up being a lot of work when its all said and done with.

    I figured with the advanced capabilities Airtime now has. I figured somebody has either tried this or knows of a way to make it work. So any ideas or pointers would be helpful. After all computers are supposed to make life easier, not harder!
    Post edited by Joe Thompson at 2012-09-03 00:41:10
  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • After sitting here pondering a bit. I have come up with a solution, it's not entirely ideal but it would work. My solution would be to create a airtime vm for each school that would be streaming their games. Configure each vm to use the same storage repository. I would then have a separate airtime vm that would be responsible for rebroadcasting of the games. The only problem I then run into is, I would have to get a more manly server than what I currently got to make it all happen.
  • Hi!

    This is very interesting behaviour and one we will be looking to support for post Airtime 2.2 (whose release is just around the corner). Essentially, anything that is broadcast will be (optionally) automatically recorded to a file and scheduled to be rebroadcast at a later date.

    Airtime Pro Hosting: