Import Issue / Audio not appearing in airtime
  • Hi all,

    Me again! I'm trying to figure out why uploaded tracks wont appear in Airtime. They were working fine a few days ago, but now it's stopped working and to our knowledge, we havent made any changes!

    If I upload to /organize, the files are moved to /import, however they dont appear in Airtime. The log doesn't seem to be showing any errors either :/

    2012-08-07 22:08:51,408 INFO - [MainThread] [ : process_IN_CREATE()] : LINE 110 - event: <Event dir=False mask=0x100 maskname=IN_CREATE name=AudioFile.mp3 path=/srv/airtime/stor/organize pathname=/srv/airtime/stor/organize/AudioFile.mp3 wd=8 >
    2012-08-07 22:09:24,258 INFO - [MainThread] [ : process_IN_CLOSE_WRITE()] : LINE 123 - event: <Event dir=False mask=0x8 maskname=IN_CLOSE_WRITE name=AudioFile.mp3 path=/srv/airtime/stor/organize pathname=/srv/airtime/stor/organize/AudioFile.mp3 wd=8 >
    2012-08-07 22:09:24,258 INFO - [MainThread] [ : process_IN_CLOSE_WRITE()] : LINE 124 - create_dict: {'/srv/airtime/stor/organize/AudioFile.mp3': 1344373731.408412}
    2012-08-07 22:09:24,258 DEBUG - [MainThread] [ : handle_created_file()] : LINE 137 - PROCESS_IN_CLOSE_WRITE: False, name: AudioFile.mp3, pathname: /srv/airtime/stor/organize/AudioFile.mp3 
    2012-08-07 22:09:24,259 INFO - [MainThread] [ : get_md_from_file()] : LINE 144 - getting info from filepath /srv/airtime/stor/organize/AudioFile.mp3
    2012-08-07 22:09:24,363 INFO - [MainThread] [ : organize_new_file()] : LINE 313 - Organizing new file: /srv/airtime/stor/organize/AudioFile.mp3
    2012-08-07 22:09:24,363 INFO - [MainThread] [ : create_file_path()] : LINE 265 - Unique filepath: /srv/airtime/stor/imported/Queen/Don't Stop Me Now-128kbps.mp3
    2012-08-07 22:09:24,364 DEBUG - [MainThread] [ : organize_new_file()] : LINE 317 - Moving from /srv/airtime/stor/organize/AudioFile.mp3 to /srv/airtime/stor/imported/Queen/Don't Stop Me Now-128kbps.mp3
    2012-08-07 22:09:24,473 INFO - [MainThread] [ : process_IN_CREATE()] : LINE 110 - event: <Event dir=True mask=0x40000100 maskname=IN_CREATE|IN_ISDIR name=Queen path=/srv/airtime/stor/imported pathname=/srv/airtime/stor/imported/Queen wd=3 >
    2012-08-07 22:09:24,474 INFO - [MainThread] [ : process_IN_MOVED_FROM()] : LINE 230 - process_IN_MOVED_FROM: <Event cookie=194117655 dir=False mask=0x40 maskname=IN_MOVED_FROM name=AudioFile.mp3 path=/srv/airtime/stor/organize pathname=/srv/airtime/stor/organize/AudioFile.mp3 wd=8 >

  • 9 Comments sorted by
  • Can you post more of the media-monitor.log?
    Airtime Pro Hosting:
  • Hi Martin,

    I'd only copied the above as that was the only part relating to that upload specifically. But hopefully you can see something!
  • Thanks for posting that, is there any information in py-interpretor.log as well? This file is in the same dir as media-monitor.log
    Airtime Pro Hosting:
  • py-interpretor.log is fairly empty :/

    /bin/sh: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string
    /bin/sh: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string

    Is all it contains! 
  • Are you restarting the system? There are a few times where media-monitor restarts, but it looks like this is caused by the system?

    I'll study the log a bit more, nothing seems suspicious except for the restarts.
    Airtime Pro Hosting:
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Albert FRAlbert FR
    Posts: 1,978Member, Airtime Moderator
    on old version of airtime i have this problem when a ' was present into the name of the song (that's seems to be your case) but not on the lasts...

    anyway try to change the name of your mp3 file "Don't" -> "Dont" an try again

    perhaps is also a problem between utf8 and 8859-11/15 encoded characters...
  • Thanks for helping out here. I've turned on SQL logging to try and debug a bit more...

    - I emptied the import directory and emptied the cc_files table in the database. 
    - I tried uploading via FTP to /organize. No luck (nothing in the database or SQL log, although media-monitor moves the file...)
    - I tried uploading via web. No luck (nothing in the database or SQL log, although media-monitor does give me the following error: 
    1.mp3The file was not uploaded, this error will occur if the computer hard drive does not have enough disk space.)

    Checked diskspace. Have loads left so not sure where that came from. Maybe that can help narrow it down a bit?

    I've uploaded the file I'm having with here:
    Although I've tried a few others, some work some dont, hopefully this will help.
  • zend.php log output for when attempting to add the above file via the airtime interface:

    2012-08-09T16:40:40+01:00 INFO (6): /usr/share/airtime/application/models/StoredFile.php:uploadFile(): filename=p17460mq701lq51trm1udt1s031o5j7.mp3 to /tmp/plupload - file:/usr/share/airtime/application/models/StoredFile.php:761
    2012-08-09T16:40:41+01:00 INFO (6): /usr/share/airtime/application/models/StoredFile.php:uploadFile(): filename=p17460mq701lq51trm1udt1s031o5j7.mp3 to /tmp/plupload - file:/usr/share/airtime/application/models/StoredFile.php:761
    2012-08-09T16:40:41+01:00 INFO (6): copyFileToStor: moving file /tmp/plupload/p17460mq701lq51trm1udt1s031o5j7.mp3 - file:/usr/share/airtime/application/models/StoredFile.php:858
    2012-08-09T16:40:41+01:00 INFO (6): copyFileToStor: moving file /tmp/plupload/p17460mq701lq51trm1udt1s031o5j7.mp3 to /srv/airtime/stor/organize/1.mp3 - file:/usr/share/airtime/application/models/StoredFile.php:885

  • 1.mp3The file was not uploaded, this error will occur if the computer hard drive does not have enough disk space.) 

    This can also happen if the permissions of /srv/airtime/stor have been altered (since Apache cannot copy the file there anymore).

    Please try 

    chown -R www-data:www-data /srv/airtime
    Post edited by Martin Konecny at 2012-08-14 23:59:25
    Airtime Pro Hosting: