Network Storage and Music Database
  • Hello,

    I need to setup multiple Airtime servers which use a central storage server for all music. I have tried using sshfs as well as an Amazon S3 bucket with s3fs. With both filesystems, I am able to mount the remote drive on the airtime server fine. I can create and delete files/folders. I have edited the startup sequence so that the airtime-media-monitor service as well as the airtime-playout service are the last 2 services to start on the system. This is to ensure that the network drive mounts before airtime looks for it (which it does). Logically all that I need to do now is to set the media folder from the admin interface. However, I am unable to do so. It keeps telling me that "/media/radio" is not a valid directory. What am I doing wrong? Are there any other services that I should re/start after the mount to make airtime detect the folder?

    Also, as far as the music database is concerned, where and how exactly is it stored? Does it use PostgreSQL for storage? If the music is scanned and sorted by one node on my network, then will all nodes automatically scan and update their respective libraries? If not, is there ANY way that I can have multiple Airtime servers running from the same storage server?

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    So i thought that maybe it was a folder permissions issue so i checked the permissions on /srv/airtime/stor

    root@air:~# ls -l /srv/airtime/
    total 4
    drwxrwsr-x 6 root www-data 4096 2012-07-17 00:21 stor

    and replicated them onto my sshfs mounted folder. It is being mounted as a drive with uid=0 (root) and gid=33(www-data) on my system which are the same user and group that owns /srv/airtime/stor.

    root@air:~# ls -l /media/
    total 4
    drwxrwxrwx 1 root www-data 4096 2012-07-24 11:49 radio

    I have even added all users i.e. liquidsoap, icecast2, pypo, www-data and rabbitmq to the fuse user group so that they have access to the sshfs mount. As root I can create and delete files on the mount. As I understand it, the media monitor service also runs as root so where is the glitch?

    Does anyone know of any way to set the media folder location manually i.e. NOT from the web interface?