Adding Playlists to Shows
  • First, thanks for all the work you have done to make such a wonderful program.

    I have just upgraded from Airtime 2.0.3 to 2.1.2 and have run into some problems with adding content to shows. Perhaps I simply haven't discovered a toggle or something in the interface?

    1) It used to be possible to simply drag a playlist into a show. Now that functionality seems to be gone. Instead, I have to select a playlist and click the + button. then, instead of just the playlist title, the contents of the playlist appears in the show box. Is it possible to get the "drag and drop" behavior back? Is it possible to hide the contents of the playlist and just see the title?

    2) Quite a bit of the show listing is obscured by a box which says "Processing". This box doesn't go away, making it difficult to see what is in the show. Is there some way to either get rid of the box or move it out of the content area?

    3) It used to be possible to use the same playlist multiple times within the same show. For example, If I have a playlist which is 4 hours long and I want to repeat it 6 times in a day, it was a simple matter to define a show 24 hours long and drop the playlist into it 6 times. Now I can't see a way to do that. Is there a way to get the old functionality back? I really don't want to have to define 6 shows in order to do the same thing.

    Thank you again for all your hard work.


    Jonathan Turner
  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • Regarding #1) We did not remove this functionality. I'd suggest try clearing your browser cache.

    #2) How far in the future is this show? We found a bug where the "Processing" dialog would persist for shows more than 24 days in the future. This is addressed for 2.1.3

    #3) There has been no change to prevent this behaviour. See if #1 fixes this.
    Airtime Pro Hosting:
  • Thank you! The persistence bug explains what is happening. The show I was trying to add was a month in the future and the "Processing" box apparently prevents "drag and drop". I'll be looking forward to 2.1.3.

    Thanks again for your reply and all your hard work. It's greatly appreciated.