Airtime Installation Error
  • Hello

    I'm running debian squeeze and have installed airtime 2.0.3(first think then write) minimal by the instalation I get the message:
    There appears to be a problem with your Airtime installation.

    sudo airtime-check-system
    [sudo] password for _-chiwie-_:
    AIRTIME_STATUS_URL             =
    KERNEL_VERSION                 = 2.6.32-042stab044.17
    MACHINE_ARCHITECTURE           = x86_64
    TOTAL_MEMORY_MBYTES            = 4194304
    TOTAL_SWAP_MBYTES              = UNKNOWN
    AIRTIME_VERSION                = 2.0.3
    OS                             = Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.5 (squeeze) x86_64
    CPU                            = Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5645  @ 2.40GHz
    WEB_SERVER                     = Apache/2.2.16 (Debian)
    LIQUIDSOAP_MEM_PERC            = 0%
    LIQUIDSOAP_CPU_PERC            = 0%
    MEDIA_MONITOR_MEM_PERC         = 0%
    MEDIA_MONITOR_CPU_PERC         = 0%
    RABBITMQ_PROCESS_ID            = 1339
    RABBITMQ_MEM_PERC              = 0.7%
    RABBITMQ_CPU_PERC              = 0.0%

    I have enabled suphp so the owner of /usr/share/airtime is not root.

    error logs:

    2012-05-30 21:53:42,276 ERROR - [MainThread] [ : setup_media_monito
    r()] : LINE 413 - Exception: No JSON object could be decoded

    Post edited by Christian Wiechert at 2012-05-30 18:53:54
  • 18 Comments sorted by
  • Hi Christian,

    I see the following:
    AIRTIME_VERSION                = 2.0.3 

    Did you install 2.0.3 or 2.1.0?

    Also, can you post the output of "sudo monit status"
    Airtime Pro Hosting:
  • sorry through the whole trying I very confused and irritated.

    Process 'cron'
      status                            not monitored
      monitoring status                 not monitored
      data collected                    Thu May 31 00:47:10 2012

    Process 'rabbitmq-server'
      status                            running
      monitoring status                 monitored
      pid                               1339
      parent pid                        1
      uptime                            3h 11m
      children                          3
      memory kilobytes                  32124
      memory kilobytes total            33708
      memory percent                    0.7%
      memory percent total              0.8%
      cpu percent                       0.0%
      cpu percent total                 0.0%
      data collected                    Thu May 31 00:47:10 2012

    Process 'airtime-playout'
      status                            Execution failed
      monitoring status                 monitored
      data collected                    Thu May 31 00:47:15 2012

    Process 'airtime-media-monitor'
      status                            running
      monitoring status                 monitored
      pid                               465
      parent pid                        1
      uptime                            3h 11m
      children                          0
      memory kilobytes                  10712
      memory kilobytes total            10712
      memory percent                    0.2%
      memory percent total              0.2%
      cpu percent                       0.0%
      cpu percent total                 0.0%
      data collected                    Thu May 31 00:47:15 2012

    Process 'airtime-liquidsoap'
      status                            not monitored
      monitoring status                 not monitored
      data collected                    Thu May 31 00:47:00 2012

  • Was this a fresh install of Airtime? Although it is not very clear you have to do a full-install the first time you do a install of Airtime (we have to improve this naming scheme)
    Airtime Pro Hosting:
  • Hi,

    I have the same problem.

    Fresh install of Debian Squeeze. Had some troubles to install:

    - One of your script isn't very verbose:
    if [ "$LSOF_EXIST" != "0" -o "$SUDO_EXIST" != "0" ]; then
    echo "Packages missing. Please run airtime-full-install"
    exit 1

    You could be more verbose and say that lsof or sudo aren't installed

    - And then I got:
    *** Verifying your system environment, running airtime-check-system ***
    AIRTIME_STATUS_URL = http://localhost:80/api/status/format/json/api_key/%%api_key%%
    KERNEL_VERSION = 2.6.32-5-vserver-amd64
    TOTAL_MEMORY_MBYTES = 16461024
    OS = Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.5 (squeeze) x86_64
    CPU = Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L3426 @ 1.87GHz
    WEB_SERVER = Apache/2.2.16 (Debian)

    And my monit status:
    The Monit daemon 5.1.1 uptime: 1m

    Process 'rabbitmq-server'
    status running
    monitoring status monitored
    pid 911
    parent pid 1
    uptime 2m
    children 3
    memory kilobytes 29464
    memory kilobytes total 31204
    memory percent 0.1%
    memory percent total 0.1%
    cpu percent 0.0%
    cpu percent total 0.0%
    data collected Wed Jun 6 17:37:07 2012

    Process 'airtime-playout'
    status Execution failed
    monitoring status monitored
    data collected Wed Jun 6 17:37:12 2012

    Process 'airtime-media-monitor'
    status running
    monitoring status monitored
    pid 12956
    parent pid 1
    uptime 2m
    children 0
    memory kilobytes 13192
    memory kilobytes total 13192
    memory percent 0.0%
    memory percent total 0.0%
    cpu percent 0.0%
    cpu percent total 0.0%
    data collected Wed Jun 6 17:37:12 2012

    Process 'airtime-liquidsoap'
    status Execution failed
    monitoring status monitored
    data collected Wed Jun 6 17:37:17 2012

    System ''
    status running
    monitoring status monitored
    load average [0.22] [0.36] [0.41]
    cpu 0.6%us 0.8%sy 0.5%wa
    memory usage 1614396 kB [9.8%]
    data collected Wed Jun 6 17:37:17 2012
    Post edited by Solvik at 2012-06-06 13:42:39
  • Reply to @Solvik:

    This is the .deb package or tarball install?

    Is there anything interesting in /var/log/airtime/pypo/pypo.log or py-interpreter.log?
    Airtime Pro Hosting:
  • pypo.log is full of :
    2012-06-07 09:49:23,755 DEBUG - [ : configure_locale() : line 54] - Before ANSI_X3.4-1968
    2012-06-07 09:49:23,755 DEBUG - [ : configure_locale() : line 58] - No locale currently set. Attempting to get default locale.
    2012-06-07 09:49:23,756 DEBUG - [ : configure_locale() : line 62] - No default locale exists. Let's try loading from /etc/default/locale
    2012-06-07 09:49:23,756 INFO - [ : configure_locale() : line 73] - New locale set to: C

    And py-interpreter.log got:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/lib/airtime/pypo/bin/", line 96, in <module>
      File "/usr/lib/airtime/pypo/bin/", line 79, in configure_locale
        current_locale_encoding = locale.getlocale()[1].lower()
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'lower'

  • Ok, having a locale set in the OS is very important for Airtime 2.1. It allows us to work with Unicode filenames.

    What is the contents of /etc/default/locale?

    If empty, I would try running "update-locale" so that this file is populated. 

    We may have a bug in our install script, because this was automatically supposed to happen. Let me know how it goes.
    Airtime Pro Hosting:
  • You were right, my /etc/default/locale was empty. Had to do a dpkg-reconfigure locales

    I reinstalled airtime but after that I get:
    2012-06-08 09:15:28,499 INFO - [ : <module>() : line 152] - ###########################################
    2012-06-08 09:15:28,500 INFO - [ : <module>() : line 153] - #             *** pypo  ***               #
    2012-06-08 09:15:28,500 INFO - [ : <module>() : line 154] - #   Liquidsoap Scheduled Playout System   #
    2012-06-08 09:15:28,500 INFO - [ : <module>() : line 155] - ###########################################
    2012-06-08 09:15:28,504 DEBUG - [ : __get_airtime_version() : line 192] - Trying to contact http://localhost:80/api/version/api_key/%%api_key%%
    2012-06-08 09:15:28,689 DEBUG - [ : __get_airtime_version() : line 199] - Data: {"version":"2.1.0"}
    2012-06-08 09:15:28,689 DEBUG - [ : __get_airtime_version() : line 202] - Airtime Version 2.1.0 detected
    2012-06-08 09:15:28,690 INFO - [ : is_server_compatible() : line 239] - Airtime version: 2.1.0
    2012-06-08 09:15:28,690 INFO - [ : is_server_compatible() : line 240] - pypo is at version 2.1.0 and is compatible with this version of Airtime.
    2012-06-08 09:15:28,955 DEBUG - [ : __init__() : line 51] - Cache dir /var/tmp/airtime/pypo/cache/scheduler
    2012-06-08 09:15:28,956 INFO - [ : __init__() : line 66] - PypoFetch: init complete
    2012-06-08 09:15:28,956 DEBUG - [ : _start() : line 661] - Start from server, version: 8.0, properties: {u'platform': u'Erlang/OTP', u'product': u'RabbitMQ', u'version': u'1.8.1', u'copyright': u'Copyright (C) 2007-2010 LShift Ltd., Cohesive Financial Technologies LLC., and Rabbit Technologies Ltd.', u'information': u'Licensed under the MPL.  See'}, mechanisms: [u'PLAIN', u'AMQPLAIN'], locales: [u'en_US']
    2012-06-08 09:15:28,957 INFO - [ : get_schedule() : line 250] - Fetching schedule from http://localhost:80/api/schedule/api_key/%%api_key%%
    2012-06-08 09:15:28,964 DEBUG - [ : _open_ok() : line 507] - Open OK! known_hosts [bordel:5672]
    2012-06-08 09:15:28,964 DEBUG - [ : __init__() : line 70] - using channel_id: 1
    2012-06-08 09:15:28,965 DEBUG - [ : _open_ok() : line 484] - Channel open
    2012-06-08 09:15:29,158 INFO - [ : main() : line 458] - Bootstrap schedule received: {u'status': {}, u'media': {}}
    2012-06-08 09:15:29,158 DEBUG - [ : process_schedule() : line 396] - {u'status': {}, u'media': {}}
    2012-06-08 09:15:29,159 DEBUG - [ : process_schedule() : line 424] - Pushing to pypo-push
    2012-06-08 09:15:29,159 DEBUG - [ : cache_cleanup() : line 448] - Files to remove set([])
    2012-06-08 09:15:29,160 DEBUG - [ : set_bootstrap_variables() : line 160] - Getting information needed on bootstrap from Airtime
    2012-06-08 09:15:29,160 ERROR - [ : get_queue_items_from_liquidsoap() : line 137] - Error connecting to Liquidsoap: [Errno 111] Connexion refusée
    2012-06-08 09:15:29,161 DEBUG - [ : main() : line 94] - Next schedule chain: None
    2012-06-08 09:15:29,161 DEBUG - [ : main() : line 102] - Blocking indefinitely since no show scheduled
    2012-06-08 09:15:29,161 INFO - [ : main() : line 119] - heartbeat
    2012-06-08 09:15:29,363 INFO - [ : get_bootstrap_info() : line 642] - Bootstrap info retrieved {u'transition_fade': u'00.000000', u'station_name': u'', u'stream_label': u'', u'switch_status': {u'scheduled_play': u'on', u'live_dj': u'off', u'master_dj': u'off'}}
    2012-06-08 09:15:29,364 DEBUG - [ : set_bootstrap_variables() : line 166] - info:{u'transition_fade': u'00.000000', u'station_name': u'', u'stream_label': u'', u'switch_status': {u'scheduled_play': u'on', u'live_dj': u'off', u'master_dj': u'off'}}
    2012-06-08 09:15:29,364 DEBUG - [ : switch_source() : line 130] - Switching source: scheduled_play to "on" status
    2012-06-08 09:15:29,364 ERROR - [ : switch_source() : line 151] - [Errno 111] Connexion refusée
    2012-06-08 09:15:29,365 DEBUG - [ : switch_source() : line 130] - Switching source: live_dj to "off" status
    2012-06-08 09:15:29,365 ERROR - [ : switch_source() : line 151] - [Errno 111] Connexion refusée
    2012-06-08 09:15:29,365 DEBUG - [ : switch_source() : line 130] - Switching source: master_dj to "off" status
    2012-06-08 09:15:29,366 ERROR - [ : switch_source() : line 151] - [Errno 111] Connexion refusée
    2012-06-08 09:15:29,366 ERROR - [ : update_liquidsoap_stream_format() : line 345] - Exception [Errno 111] Connexion refusée
    2012-06-08 09:15:29,367 INFO - [ : update_liquidsoap_station_name() : line 369] -
    2012-06-08 09:15:29,367 INFO - [ : update_liquidsoap_station_name() : line 370] - 1234
    2012-06-08 09:15:29,367 ERROR - [ : update_liquidsoap_station_name() : line 381] - [Errno 111] Connexion refusée
    2012-06-08 09:15:29,368 ERROR - [ : update_liquidsoap_transition_fade() : line 361] - Exception [Errno 111] Connexion refusée
    2012-06-08 09:15:29,368 INFO - [ : main() : line 464] - Loop #1

    Can't connect to liquidsoap because it's not running. And can't start:
    # ls /etc/airtime/
    airtime.conf  airtime.ini  apache.conf apache.vhost.tpl  api_client.cfg  media-monitor.cfg  pypo.cfg

    There isn't any liquidsoap.cfg 

  • Almost there, for some reason Liquidsoap isn't starting.

    What's the output of 

    sudo -u pypo /usr/lib/airtime/pypo/bin/airtime-liquidsoap


    Airtime Pro Hosting:
  • # sudo -u pypo /usr/lib/airtime/pypo/bin/airtime-liquidsoap
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 >>> LOG START
    2012/06/08 17:30:57 [protocols.external:3] Didn't find "ufetch".
    2012/06/08 17:30:57 [protocols.external:3] Found "/usr/bin/wget".
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [main:3] Liquidsoap 1.0.0+scm
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [main:3] Using: graphics=[distributed with Ocaml] pcre=6.0.1 dtools=0.2.2 duppy=0.4.2 duppy.syntax=0.4.2 cry=0.2.2 mm=0.2.0 ogg=0.4.3 vorbis=0.6.1 mad=0.4.4 flac=0.1.0 flac.ogg=0.1.0 dynlink=[distributed with Ocaml] lame=0.3.1 alsa=0.2.1 ao=0.2.0 taglib=0.2.0 camomile=0.7.1 portaudio=0.2.0 pulseaudio=0.1.2
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [main:2] 
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [main:2] DISCLAIMER: This version of Liquidsoap has been
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [main:2] compiled from a snapshot of the development code.
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [main:2] As such, it should not be used in production
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [main:2] unless you know what you are doing!
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [main:2] 
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [main:2] We are, however, very interested in any feedback
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [main:2] about our development code and committed to fix
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [main:2] issues as soon as possible.
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [main:2] 
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [main:2] If you are interested in collaborating to
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [main:2] the development of Liquidsoap, feel free to
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [main:2] drop us a mail at <>
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [main:2] or to join the #savonet IRC channel on Freenode.
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [main:2] 
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [main:2] Please send any bug report or feature request
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [main:2] at <>.
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [main:2] 
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [main:2] We hope you enjoy this snapshot build of Liquidsoap!
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [main:2] 
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [dynamic.loader:2] Could not load plugins in directory /usr/local/lib/liquidsoap/scm/plugins.
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [frame:3] Using 44100Hz audio, 25Hz video, 44100Hz master.
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [frame:3] Frame size must be a multiple of 1764 ticks = 1764 audio samples = 1 video samples.
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [frame:3] Targetting 'frame.duration': 0.04s = 1764 audio samples = 1764 ticks.
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [frame:3] Frames last 0.04s = 1764 audio samples = 1 video samples = 1764 ticks.
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [threads:3] Created thread "generic queue #1".
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [threads:3] Created thread "generic queue #2".
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [threads:3] Created thread "non-blocking queue #1".
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [airtime_128:3] Connecting mount airtime_128 for source@localhost,...
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [airtime_128:3] Connection setup was successful.
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [lang:3] /usr/lib/airtime/pypo/bin/liquidsoap_scripts/ --connect --stream-id=1 --time=1339176658.19 &
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [threads:3] Created thread "wallclock_main" (1 total).
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [clock.wallclock_main:3] Streaming loop starts, synchronized with wallclock.
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [dummy(dot)1:3] Source failed (no more tracks) stopping output...
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [src_5247:3] Inserting missing metadata.
    2012/06/08 17:30:58 [default_switch:3] Switch to src_5247.

    #           *** pypo  ***               #
    #     pypo notification gateway         #
    2012/06/08 17:31:02 [server:3] New client: localhost,.
    2012/06/08 17:31:03 [server:3] Client localhost, disconnected.
    2012/06/08 17:31:04 [server:3] New client: localhost,.
    2012/06/08 17:31:04 [server:3] Client localhost, disconnected.
    2012/06/08 17:31:04 [server:3] New client: localhost,.
    2012/06/08 17:31:04 [server:3] Client localhost, disconnected.
    2012/06/08 17:31:04 [server:3] New client: localhost,.
    2012/06/08 17:31:04 [server:3] Client localhost, disconnected.
    2012/06/08 17:31:04 [server:3] New client: localhost,.
    2012/06/08 17:31:04 [server:3] Client localhost, disconnected.
    2012/06/08 17:31:04 [server:3] New client: localhost,.
    2012/06/08 17:31:04 [server:3] Client localhost, disconnected.
    2012/06/08 17:31:04 [server:3] New client: localhost,.
    2012/06/08 17:31:04 [server:3] Client localhost, disconnected.
    2012/06/08 17:31:04 [server:3] New client: localhost,.
    2012/06/08 17:31:04 [server:3] Client localhost, disconnected.

    And then the output of a check-system is:
    KERNEL_VERSION                 = 2.6.32-5-vserver-amd64
    MACHINE_ARCHITECTURE           = x86_64
    TOTAL_MEMORY_MBYTES            = 16461032
    TOTAL_SWAP_MBYTES              = UNKNOWN
    AIRTIME_VERSION                = 2.1.0
    OS                             = Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.5 (squeeze) x86_64
    CPU                            = Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           L3426  @ 1.87GHz
    WEB_SERVER                     = Apache/2.2.16 (Debian)
    PLAYOUT_ENGINE_MEM_PERC        = 0.0%
    PLAYOUT_ENGINE_CPU_PERC        = 0.0%
    LIQUIDSOAP_MEM_PERC            = 0%
    LIQUIDSOAP_CPU_PERC            = 0%
    MEDIA_MONITOR_MEM_PERC         = 0.0%
    MEDIA_MONITOR_CPU_PERC         = 0.0%
    RABBITMQ_PROCESS_ID            = 6944
    RABBITMQ_MEM_PERC              = 0.1%
    RABBITMQ_CPU_PERC              = 0.0%
  • liquidsoap.cfg is generated right before Liquidsoap starts. 

    BTW, I see no problems with Liquidsoap starting (it runs successfully when you did it manually). Can you try

    sudo service airtime-playout restart

    it should work...

    Airtime Pro Hosting:
  • Reply to @Solvik:

    Any luck?
    Airtime Pro Hosting:
  • Hi Martin,

    Sorry for the late answer, was busy this week-end.

    I just tried to restart airtime-playout and it seems to work.
    However, dpkg still think airtime isn't properly installed and fuck reconfigure everything when I try to install a new package :(
    I also restarted the server and it doesn't start correctly. I need to create a screen for airtime-liquidsoap and then restart airtime-playout.
  • Reply to @Solvik:

    Try removing the package with 

    sudo apt-get purge airtime

    and reinstall. I think it didn't install properly because your locale wasn't set up, I'll look into this...
    Airtime Pro Hosting:
  • It fails at the liquidsoap part:
    No liquidsoap process runs after this point

    And as the scripts return a value diffrent from 0

  • Not sure what is happening here since you can run Liquidsoap manually without a problem.

    Maybe take a look into /var/log/airtime/pypo-liquidsoap/ls_script.loq
    Airtime Pro Hosting:
  • Well, I finally find the problem. For the record, I'm using a vserver.

    I noticed that I had this error message:
    Restarting Airtime Playout: start-stop-daemon: unable to alter nice level by -15 (Operation not permitted)
    (I think that liquidsoap wasn't started cause the script quit when the nice failed)

    I activated some capabilities on my vserver:
    - SYS_NICE

    And everything is running fine :)

    Maybe you can create a documentation or a small part in the INSTALL.txt for vserver users ?

    I've got another error using the "Watch folder" feature:
    2012-07-15 23:00:43,829 ERROR - [MainThread] [ : <module>()] : LINE 95 - Exception: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe9 in position 32: ordinal not in range(128)
    2012-07-15 23:00:43,829 ERROR - [MainThread] [ : <module>()] : LINE 96 - traceback: Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/lib/airtime/media-monitor/", line 83, in <module>
        wdd = notifier.watch_directory(dir)
      File "/usr/lib/airtime/media-monitor/airtimefilemonitor/", line 184, in watch_directory
        return self.wm.add_watch(directory, self.mask, rec=True, auto_add=True)
      File "/usr/lib/airtime/airtime_virtualenv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/", line 1887, in add_watch
        for rpath in self.__walk_rec(apath, rec):
      File "/usr/lib/airtime/airtime_virtualenv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/", line 2075, in __walk_rec
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(top):
      File "/usr/lib/airtime/airtime_virtualenv/lib/python2.6/", line 294, in walk
        for x in walk(path, topdown, onerror, followlinks):
      File "/usr/lib/airtime/airtime_virtualenv/lib/python2.6/", line 284, in walk
        if isdir(join(top, name)):
      File "/usr/lib/airtime/airtime_virtualenv/lib/python2.6/", line 70, in join
        path += '/' + b
    UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe9 in position 32: ordinal not in range(128)

    If it can get fixed, it would be awesome!
  • This is a strange error we're not 100% sure on yet, as it appears to happen with one of our third party python libraries and python 2.6.

    We had another user report a similar problem here:

    and it appears to be related to a file having a "smart-quote" in its file name.

    Since we cannot reproduce this, could you try looking into the "convm" utility. 

    This may be related to the fact that before you created a UTF-8 locale, you were writing file names in one type of encoding, and now that you have a UTF-8 locale, your newer files are in a different type of encoding.

    Also confusing is why Python is decoding your filename using an ASCII codec (when it is supposed to be in UTF-8 decoder)

    UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe9 in position 32: ordinal not in range(128). 

    Please keep us updated on anything you find.

    Post edited by Martin Konecny at 2012-07-15 19:30:00
    Airtime Pro Hosting: