[fixed] 2.1.1: It seems liquisoap is not sending the stream to Icecast
  • thank for your help and advice

    I'm wondering if there is any particular order when I start softwares
    Icecast2 => airtime playout => media-monitor => rabbitmq  ????

    let me know please

    My problem is 
    I schedule a show,
    at time the show is starting, but Icecast2 still displaying current song => offline

    the show is properly scheduled few minutes before : (Message Handler log)

    2012-06-05 15:54:10,364 INFO - [pypomessagehandler.py : handle_message() : line 63] - Received event from RabbitMQ: {"schedule":{"status":{},"media":{"2012-06-05-13-59-00":{"id":"9a0ec2d3f471b392988b07a45c208e31","type":"file","row_id":217,"uri":"\/home\/subflow\/separate\/imported\/Kane Roth\/unknown\/01-Klectik Podcast Kane Roth-320kbps.mp3","fade_in":0,"fade_out":0,"cue_in":0,"cue_out":3655.761,"start":"2012-06-05-13-59-00","end":"2012-06-05-14-59-55","show_name":"Kane Roth"}}},"event_type":"update_schedule"}
    2012-06-05 15:54:10,365 INFO - [pypomessagehandler.py : handle_message() : line 67] - Handling command: update_schedule
    2012-06-05 15:54:10,365 INFO - [pypomessagehandler.py : handle_message() : line 70] - Updating schdule...

    I have a look to my ls_script log : (the show is supposed to start at 16:01)

    2012/06/05 16:00:56 [touchmystereo:2] Error while sending data: could not write data to host: Connection reset by peer in write()!
    2012/06/05 16:00:56 [lang:3] /usr/lib/airtime/pypo/bin/liquidsoap_scripts/notify.sh --error='could not write data to host: Connection reset by peer in write()' --stream-id=1 --time=1338899710.31 &
    2012/06/05 16:00:56 [touchmystereo:3] Closing connection...
    2012/06/05 16:00:56 [touchmystereo:3] Will try to reconnect in 5.00 seconds.
    2012/06/05 16:01:02 [touchmystereo:3] Connecting mount touchmystereo for source@
    2012/06/05 16:01:02 [touchmystereo:3] Connection setup was successful.
    2012/06/05 16:01:02 [lang:3] /usr/lib/airtime/pypo/bin/liquidsoap_scripts/notify.sh --connect --stream-id=1 --time=1338899710.31 &


    2012-06-05 15:54:10,402 INFO - [pypofetch.py : handle_message() : line 74] - Received event from Pypo Message Handler: {"schedule":{"status":{},"media":{"2012-06-05-13-59-00":{"id":"9a0ec2d3f471b392988b07a45c208e31","type":"file","row_id":217,"uri":"\/home\/subflow\/separate\/imported\/Kane Roth\/unknown\/01-Klectik Podcast Kane Roth-320kbps.mp3","fade_in":0,"fade_out":0,"cue_in":0,"cue_out":3655.761,"start":"2012-06-05-13-59-00","end":"2012-06-05-14-59-55","show_name":"Kane Roth"}}},"event_type":"update_schedule"}
    2012-06-05 15:54:10,403 INFO - [pypofetch.py : handle_message() : line 78] - Handling command: update_schedule
    2012-06-05 15:54:10,403 DEBUG - [pypofetch.py : process_schedule() : line 396] - {u'status': {}, u'media': {u'2012-06-05-13-59-00': {u'end': u'2012-06-05-14-59-55', u'fade_out': 0, u'show_name': u'Kane Roth', u'uri': u'/home/subflow/separate/imported/Kane Roth/unknown/01-Klectik Podcast Kane Roth-320kbps.mp3', u'cue_in': 0, u'start': u'2012-06-05-13-59-00', u'row_id': 217, u'cue_out': 3655.761, u'type': u'file', u'id': u'9a0ec2d3f471b392988b07a45c208e31', u'fade_in': 0}}}
    2012-06-05 15:54:10,403 DEBUG - [pypofetch.py : process_schedule() : line 424] - Pushing to pypo-push
    2012-06-05 15:54:10,403 DEBUG - [pypofetch.py : cache_cleanup() : line 448] - Files to remove set([])
    2012-06-05 15:54:10,403 INFO - [pypofetch.py : main() : line 464] - Loop #9
    2012-06-05 15:54:10,404 DEBUG - [pypofile.py : get_highest_priority_media_item() : line 96] - Highest priority item: 2012-06-05-13-59-00
    2012-06-05 15:54:10,404 DEBUG - [pypofile.py : copy_file() : line 71] - copying from /home/subflow/separate/imported/Kane Roth/unknown/01-Klectik Podcast Kane Roth-320kbps.mp3 to local cache /var/tmp/airtime/pypo/cache/scheduler/9a0ec2d3f471b392988b07a45c208e31.mp3
    2012-06-05 15:54:10,417 DEBUG - [pypopush.py : get_current_chain() : line 284] - tnow 2012-06-05 13:54:10.405946, chain_start 2012-06-05 13:59:00
    2012-06-05 15:54:10,418 DEBUG - [pypopush.py : get_next_schedule_chain() : line 306] - tnow 2012-06-05 13:54:10.418102, chain_start 2012-06-05 13:59:00
    2012-06-05 15:54:10,418 DEBUG - [pypopush.py : main() : line 94] - Next schedule chain: [{u'end': u'2012-06-05-14-59-55', u'fade_out': 0, u'show_name': u'Kane Roth', u'uri': u'/home/subflow/separate/imported/Kane Roth/unknown/01-Klectik Podcast Kane Roth-320kbps.mp3', u'cue_in': 0, 'dst': u'/var/tmp/airtime/pypo/cache/scheduler/9a0ec2d3f471b392988b07a45c208e31.mp3', u'start': u'2012-06-05-13-59-00', u'row_id': 217, u'cue_out': 3655.761, u'type': u'file', u'id': u'9a0ec2d3f471b392988b07a45c208e31', u'fade_in': 0}]
    2012-06-05 15:54:10,418 DEBUG - [pypopush.py : main() : line 100] - Blocking 289.581644 seconds until show start
    2012-06-05 15:59:00,000 DEBUG - [pypopush.py : telnet_to_liquidsoap() : line 425] - queue.push annotate:media_id="9a0ec2d3f471b392988b07a45c208e31",liq_start_next="0",liq_fade_in="0.0",liq_fade_out="0.0",liq_cue_in="0.0",liq_cue_out="3655.761",schedule_table_id="217":/var/tmp/airtime/pypo/cache/scheduler/9a0ec2d3f471b392988b07a45c208e31.mp3

    2012-06-05 15:59:00,004 DEBUG - [pypopush.py : telnet_to_liquidsoap() : line 439] - vars.show_name Kane Roth

    2012-06-05 15:59:00,006 DEBUG - [pypopush.py : telnet_to_liquidsoap() : line 442] - END
    Kane Roth

    2012-06-05 15:59:00,006 DEBUG - [pypopush.py : main() : line 115] - Blocking indefinitely since no show scheduled next
    Post edited by Fred Percevault at 2012-06-05 11:07:10
  • 4 Comments sorted by
  • Resolved => I have restarted all the soft, and I have switched the "Scheduled play" button to "off" then to "on" on the web interface
    and now it works (??)

    Ok :)
    Post edited by Fred Percevault at 2012-06-05 11:08:53
  • Worked for me as well! :) There is a bug then.
  • So the dashboard shows the switch as on, and the ON-AIR was on when there was no streaming?

    Please confirm this...sounds like the switch was out of sync with liquidsoap. 
    Airtime Pro Hosting: http://airtime.pro
  • In my case ON-AIR was off. The rest as You wrote - switch on and no streaming. The dashboard has also shown that the source "scheduled play" was inactive, while it should be active (playlist scheduled). The lines were gray, not orange.
    Post edited by Marcin Tym at 2012-06-10 05:05:54